Disgaea 7 Reincarnation: How Does it Work?

Are you trying to understand Item Reincarnation in Disgaea 7 including how to unlock and use it efficiently? Here’s what you need to know.

You can unlock reincarnation through an Assembly meeting in Episode 7 and can access it via the Item Worlder NPC that is located across the Dimension guide.

In this Item Reincarnation guide for Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless, I will explain everything you need to know about reincarnation, including the most efficient strategy to create the strongest items in the game.

If you want to focus more on characters, check out our best EXP farm guide in Disgaea 7.

How to Unlock Reincarnation

How item reincarnation works in Disgaea 7.

You can unlock Item Reincarnation in Episode 7. When you’re on this chapter, call a Dark Assembly meeting at the cost of 1,000 Mana with the ‘Reincarnate Item’ option.

Once successful, you’ll be able to reincarnate items through the Item Worlder NPC, which is just across from the Dimension Guide.

Combine this with our guide on how to unlock Carnage Mode in Disgaea 7, since it’s one of the most essential late-game features.

How to Reincarnate Items in Disgaea 7

How to reincarnate items in Disgaea 7.

To reincarnate items in Disgaea 7, interact with the Item Worlder NPC and select the item you want. Based on its rarity, you will need to clear a different number of floors.

  • Normal: Clear 10 Floors
  • Rare: Clear 20 Floors
  • Epic: Clear 30 Floors
  • Legendary: Clear 40 Floors

Once the floors are cleared, you can spend Item Points to start the reincarnation process. The first upgrade will cost 50 Item Points and each further reincarnation will cost extra.

Most Efficient Reincarnation Strategy

Most efficient reincarnation strategy in Disgaea 7.

Overall, it’s not worth it to simply spam Reincarnate on an item, as it will take too much time and resources until it becomes stronger.

Instead, the most efficient Reincarnation strategy in Disgaea 7 involves maxing an item, enhancing it by purchasing all stat upgrades (all 33 upgrades), leveling it up to 500, and then reincarnating it.

To enhance stats, navigate to the Item Worlder NPC and select the item of your choice. Just below the Reincarnation option, you’ll see all the stat upgrades starting with ‘Increase HP a Little’. Make sure to purchase all these upgrades.

When you reincarnate the item, you’ll be able to enhance its stats and level it up to 500 again. Once you do that, your new level 500 item will have better stats overall compared to the pre-reincarnation level 500 item.

It’s important to follow this strategy as mentioned if you want to have the strongest weapons in Disgaea 7.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Item Reincarnation allows you to equip any Property you want to any item. However, legendary item properties are much harder to get since it’s based on chance.

Wrapping up

To summarize this Item Reincarnation explained guide in Disgaea 7, make sure to level up your item to level 500, purchase all stat upgrades, and then use reincarnation.

This is the most efficient way to get the most stats on each reincarnation and will allow you to create some of the most powerful items in the game.

What do you think about item reincarnation? Which item are you leveling up? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Before leaving, if you want to further empower your characters, check out our class proficiency grinding guide for Disgaea 7.


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