Disgaea 7: Best Characters in the Game

Are you looking for the best characters in Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless? Here are the top five choices available.

Overall, there is a wide variety of options in Disgaea 7 and each playable character has different abilities and a unique role in the story.

In this guide, I will list the five best characters in Disgaea 7 that manage to stand out due to their stats and abilities.

If you’re interested in a different full tier list, here’s our Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann gunmen tier list.

Best Characters in Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless

Without further delay, let’s go through the best characters in the game based primarily on their Evilities.


Best characters in Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless - Pleinair.

Pleinair is one of the best characters overall in Disgaea 7 due to her amazing utility. Specifically, she stands out due to being able to passively increase the stats of all allies by 20%.

This buff will make your gameplay significantly easier. However, the only way to get Pleinair is by buying the Ultimate Edition of the game or her DLC:

  • Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless – Pleinair Completion Bonus


Best characters in Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless - Melodia.

Melodia stands out due to being an amazing buffer and focuses on having evilities that buff adjacent units. To further buff your main character, make sure it’s a male or use the Gender Bender scroll (obtained via Ability Squad).

However, similar to Pleinair, Melodia is only available by getting the Ultimate Edition or her specific DLC:

  • Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless – Bonus Story: The Kind Demon, Singing Princess, and Thief Angel

Other than Melodia, this DLC will make Artina and Killia playable too.


Best characters in Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless - Flonne.

Flonne is an amazing support unit as she grants unique buffs. She has two of the best passive abilities in the game:

  • Love Protection: Grants you immunity to all status ailments
  • Have you Loved: Gain 9 extra magic range, which allows you to use healing magic from afar

Due to that, Flonne is considered one of the best healers in Disgaea 7. She can consistently heal allies from a long range.

The only way to get Flonne is via the Ultimate Edition or her DLC:

  • Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless – Bonus Story: The Instructor, Stewards, and Fallen Angel of Love

This will grant you access to Flone, Fenrich, and Valvatorez.


Best characters in Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless - Pirilika.

Pirilika is one of the main characters and protagonists in the game and she stands out due to her fun and cheerful personality as well as her useful evilities.

Specifically, Pirilika can use the Cheerful Aura Evility, which increases the chances of teammates joining her on combo attacks. Overall, this is considered one of the strongest skills in the game as its effect is useful in almost every scenario.


Best characters in Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless - Zed.

Zed is considered the best character in Disgaea 7 due to his reincarnation evility. Specifically, with Infinite Reincarnation, Zed gains a 1% increase in all stats for each reincarnation. This effect can reach up to 100%.

Additionally, his Super Reincarnator evility grants him 2% extra damage per reincarnation, also capping at 100%. Overall, Zed can have extremely high stats and deal phenomenal damage if you invest enough in him.

To get Zed, buy the Ultimate Edition or purchase his specific DLC:

  • Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless – Bonus Story: The Zombie Sibs and Angel Little Sister

Alongside Zed, you’ll also get Bieko and Sicily.

Wrapping up

To summarize, these are the best characters in Disgaea 7. While most of them are only available via DLC, there also are some strong main protagonists such as Pirilika.

Who is your favorite character overall? Do you think the Ultimate Edition is worth it considering how strong most DLC characters are? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Before leaving, if you’re interested in a Halloween-themed event, check out our Ooblets Halloween riddle answers guide.


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