Diablo 4: How To Unlock Torment Difficulty

The Torment difficulty, also known as World Tier 4 in Diablo 4 is the hardest difficulty setting available in the game. It will increase the HP and damage of enemies, but will also make them drop increased Gold, EXP, and valuable items.

To unlock the Torment difficulty, players will need to complete the Fallen Temple Capstone Dungeon on World Tier 3.

In this guide, I will explain how to unlock World Tier 4 in Diablo 4 and showcase exactly what the Torment difficulty offers.

Keep in mind that before getting to World Tier 4, you’ll need to unlock World Tier 3. If you haven’t done so yet, check out our guide on how to unlock the Nightmare difficulty in Diablo 4.

World Tier 4 – Torment Difficulty Explained in Diablo 4

How to unlock Torment difficulty in Diablo 4 - World Tier 4 explained.

Diablo 4 has four different world tiers, ranging from one to four:

  • World Tier 1 (Adventurer)
  • World Tier 2 (Veteran)
  • World Tier 3 (Nightmare)
  • World Tier 4 (Torment)

Each world tier increases the difficulty but also offers improved item drops and experience. Specifically, here’s what World Tier 4 Torment difficulty offers:

  • Ancestral & Unique item drops – Ancestral Gear will be your new best-in-slot equipment in World Tier 4.
  • 200% extra EXP and 15% more Gold from all monsters.

However, the Torment difficulty also makes monsters more fearsome and resistant, so they’ll be significantly harder to defeat.

As you can see, unlocking the Torment difficulty is well worth it based on the rewards. But how do you unlock it?

How to Unlock World Tier 4 – Torment Difficulty

How to unlock Torment difficulty in Diablo 4 - World Tier 4 explained.

To unlock World Tier 4 and Torment difficulty in Diablo 4, players must unlock World Tier 3 first.

Then, after setting the difficulty from any World Tier Statue to Nightmare, visit the Northeastern Dry Steppes area and complete the Fallen Temple Capstone Dungeon.

Keep in mind that this is one of the toughest dungeons in the game and players will need to be at least level 70 before attempting to beat it. Thankfully, this dungeon can be completed in co-op as long as everyone has unlocked World Tier 3.

If you’re trying to complete this solo, check out our Diablo 4 solo guide with the best tips to make your gameplay more efficient.

After beating this dungeon, visit any World Tier Statue (such as the one in Kyovashad) and you’ll be able to change the difficulty into Torment. Just make sure you’re ready for the challenge as Torment is the hardest difficulty setting in Diablo 4.

Wrapping up

To sum up, players can unlock Torment difficulty in Diablo 4 by completing the Fallen Temple Capstone Dungeon in the Northeastern Dry Steppes location after unlocking World Tier 3.

Then, they can visit any World Tier Statue to change the difficulty to Torment.

Did you manage to beat this dungeon easily? What’s your character’s level, class, and build? Don’t hesitate to share your experience in the comments below.


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