Death Must Die Best Build

Are you interested in the best build in Death Must Die? Here’s how to deal exceptionally high damage and clear runs without issue.

The best build involves using Nizi and prioritizing any Mort upgrades that focus on applying the Cursed effect while also having the Mayhem buff. This way, wherever an enemy dies that has a curse, you’ll increase your total damage permanently.

Let’s explain in further detail every part of this build, including character choice, best god and blessing, as well as stats and playstyle.

Best Character in Death Must Die

Best build in Death Must Die.

In terms of character selection, your best option is Nizi the Assassin. Her basic attacks are melee with long-reach and medium AoE. Additionally, she has high mobility and damage.

While she lacks defense, her remaining kit more than makes up for it.

For more suggestions, consider checking out our list of all characters in Death Must Die and how to unlock them.

Best God and Blessing

Best build in Death Must Die.

Ideally, the best God for this build is Mort, Daughter of Death. She has the most powerful blessings overall.

However, the god you’ll get depends on RNG as well. If you reach the first boss (~7 minutes in the run) and have no Mort blessings, consider restarting the run.

Specifically, the best Blessings in Death Must Die include:

  • Mayhem – Gain permanent bonus damage whenever an enemy affected by a curse dies
  • Ravens of Pestilence – Spawn ravers that attack nearby enemies and apply Cursed.
  • Soulstealers – Your attacks have a chance to spawn phantoms that apply Cursed on enemies
  • Malady – When an enemy with a debuff dies, it passes all debuffs to another nearby enemy

Optionally, you can also take Necromancy from Mort to summon skeletons.

Best Death Must Die Build – Stats & Playstyle

Best build in Death Must Die.

In terms of stat upgrades, prioritize offensive stats and especially attack speed and spawn damage.

Attack speed allows you to trigger Soulstealers more often and thus apply more curses while spawn damage will increase the damage of ravers and phantoms as they are attacking enemies.

As for the playstyle, keep attacking enemies to start spreading the Cursed status everywhere. Every enemy that will die will have Cursed, which will increase your total damage due to Mayhem.

Wrapping up

To summarize, the best build in Death Must Die involves using Nizi the Assassin and prioritizing the Mayhem and Malady Mort Blessings.

This build will spread cursed all over enemies and any enemy that dies while cursed will permanently increase your total damage.

Have you tried this build? What are some of your favorite builds so far? Let us know in the comments below.

For more Bullet Hell, roguelike games, check out our guide on the best SWAT build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors.


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