Coral Island: Where to Find Tree Seeds

Tree seeds ensure you always have wood available in Coral Island, while also allowing you to craft certain items.

Since wood is a core material in the game, and players can never have too much wood, having a solid supply of tree seeds is essential.

In case this is your first spring in Coral Island, consider checking out our guide on the best and most profitable spring crops in the game.

In this guide, I will explain how to find all tree seeds in Coral Island. This includes how to find oak seeds, pine cones, and maple seeds.

Where to Find Oak Seeds

Pine tree (left), maple tree (top & top right), and oak tree (bottom right) in Coral Island.

In Coral Island, oak seeds can be found on the ground. To pick them up, players need to hit them with their axe and they’ll pop right off.

From there, feel free to plant them to grow an oak tree. Also, oak trees respawn, similar to other forageables. Don’t worry about running out of seeds.

Where to Find Pine Cones

Pine cones are dropped by cutting pine trees. Specifically, each pine tree takes 12 swings to bring it down with the default axe, and 5 more to remove the leftover stump.

When bringing it down, the tree will always drop at least 1 pine cone. There’s a chance for it to drop more, but only 1 is guaranteed.

Similarly to oak seeds, replanting the pine cone will result in a fully grown pine tree, which drops a seed when cut down.

Where to Find Maple Seeds

Maple seeds work similarly to pine cones. To get maple seeds, players need to cut down any of the maple trees (trees with orange-colored leaves), which take 12 swings to cut down and another 5 to remove the leftover stump with the default axe.

Each maple tree cut down guarantees at least 1 maple seed, which allows you to always have a seed to replant.

What to Do with Tree Seeds?

How to craft Candied Tree Seed in Coral Island.

Tree seeds, as of now, have two main uses in Coral Island. The first, which we’ve already mentioned, is replanting them to grow new trees. This way, players will always have trees available whenever they need wood.

The second is for crafting food. Specifically, players can craft Candied Tree Seed, one of the best early-game foods. The recipe is as follows:

  • 1x Sap
  • 3x Any Type of Seed (Oak Seed, Pine Cone, or Maple Seed)

If you’ve got spare seeds, having extra food is never a bad idea since you can always benefit from the extra energy.


This sums up our guide on how to find tree seeds in Coral Island. Now you know how to find oak seeds, pine cones, and maple seeds.

All it takes is chopping the seeds of the ground for oak seeds and cutting down pine and maple trees for the other two.

Then, players can either use the seeds to replant the trees or craft Candied Tree Seed.

Also, if you’re new to Coral Island, another important part you might be missing is the mastery system. Consider checking out our guide on how mastery points work in Coral Island since they can significantly improve your playthrough.

How do you use your tree seeds in Coral Island? Do you replant them, craft food, or simply hoard them? Let us know in the comments below.


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