Coral Island: Mastery Points Guide

Mastery points allow players to gain passive traits. These traits improve the efficiency of certain activities like mining, farming, and diving.

However, players may fail to notice the mastery point system at all, since it’s in a secondary tab in the inventory menu.

If you’re just starting in the game, consider checking out our guide on the best tips and tricks for beginners in Coral Island.

In this guide, I will explain how mastery points work in Coral Island, list all available upgrades, and mention which ones to prioritize.

How the Mastery System Works in Coral Island

The mastery system rewards players for performing certain activities. It can be accessed from the inventory menu (C or I to open it), through the crown tab named Mastery.

Specifically, players can gain mastery points in the following categories:

  • Farming
  • Ranching
  • Foraging
  • Mining
  • Diving
  • Catching
  • Fishing
  • Combat
Farming mastery is maxed in Coral Island.

Mastery points are gained by performing actions related to these activities. For instance, to gain farming points players need to harvest crops. To gain mining points, players need to explore the mines and get ores.

While there is no cap to the mastery points that can be gained, at the moment only 5 points are needed to get max upgrades.

But what upgrades are we talking about?

All Mastery Point Upgrades

Each of the previously mentioned categories has 5 upgrades in total. Here are all the upgrades per category.


  • 10% & 20% for Soil to remain watered the next day
  • 5% chance to harvest double crops
  • 10% & 20% chance for crops to grow faster


  • 10% & 20% for animal feed to remain the next day
  • 5% chance to gain double products
  • 5% & 10% increase in befriending animals


  • 10% & 20% sprinting speed increase
  • 5% chance to gain double foraging drops
  • 1% & 2% chance for trees to drop hardwood


  • 20% & 40% chance to gain double ores
  • 5% chance to gain double gems
  • 5% & 10% chance to break nearby rocks when mining


  • 20% & 40% chance to get double kelp
  • 2% chance to get double artifacts from troves


  • 5% chance to catch double insects/critters
  • Insects/critters are 5% & 10% less aware of the player


  • 5% chance to catch double fish
  • 5% & 10% less resistance while fishing


  • 10% & 20% more damage
  • 5% chance to strike twice in one attack
  • 25% & 50% chance of dealing a critical strike

Best Mastery Point Upgrades

Planting seeds in Coral Island. Harvesting them will progress farming mastery.

While you will eventually want to get every upgrade on the list, some are more valuable than others and should be prioritized.

The most important upgrade is the mining one which gives a 40% chance for double ores. It is an exceptionally high percentage and you can never have too many ores.

Also, any upgrade that doubles drops, even with a slim 5% chance, is worth getting.

Last, the sprinting speed upgrade is very useful since Coral Island features a huge map and you’ll be running back and forth quite often.

How to Unlock Tier 2 Skills in Coral Island

You’ll also notice that every category has a tier 2 skills tab which is locked. Unlocking Tier 2 skills in Coral Island isn’t possible at the moment because they aren’t added to the game.

The only option, for now, is to keep collecting mastery points until a future update adds Tier 2 skills.


And that’s all you need to know about how mastery points work in Coral Island. Complete actions focused on a certain skill and you’ll gain mastery points. Then, spend these mastery points on useful passive traits.

Keep in mind that Coral Island is still in early access and the mastery system is expected to receive some updates.

Also, if you’re in the spring season, make sure you have collected enough wasabi, one of the key forageables in Coral Island.

What are your thoughts on the mastery system in Coral Island? Which skill are you maxing first? Let us know in the comments below.


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