Cobblemon: How to Get Legendary Pokemon

Legendary Pokemon are hidden bosses in Pokemon games, that appear in remote locations. They are tough fights that task players to fight a battle of attrition while trying to catch them.

When talking about Pokemon, most people immediately think of Pokemon like Pikachu, but some of us often think of Pokemon like Mewto, Mew, Entei, and many more. In this guide, I will go over how to get Legendary Pokemon, in Cobblemon.

However, that is what I would like to be able to say. Up to the current 1.3.1 patch, Legendary Pokemon have not yet been implemented into the game.

Though there are some things players will be able to explore while playing so stick around and find out what is there to look for.

If you want to know more about some of the rarer Pokemon in the game, check out our guide on how to get fossil Pokemon, in Cobblemon.

Cobblemon: What are Legendary Pokemon


Legendary Pokemon are myths, and legends that make the world of Pokemon so unique.

They give off an air of intimidation. You find them in remote locations, or roaming around the region. They feel like you come in touch with something divine to an extent.

That is why most players seek them out. It is true that they have higher base stats, than most Pokemon. With only a select few reaching these heights, people aptly call these Pokemon pseudo-legendaries.

In many mods and other Pokemon-related hacks, legendaries are something that takes time to find, and many resources to catch. So they are staples that many players seek out to fill their team with them.

Cobblemon: Legendary Spawn Commands


As I already mentioned legendary Pokemon are unfortunately currently not implemented in the game as of version 1.3.1, yet the developer is constantly updating the game.

It is mentioned in many instances, that plans are already in place for legendaries to come into the game, and even Paradox forms from the latest generations are going to be implemented.

As of now though players can use spawn commands, to spawn legendary Pokemon in the game, and some of them even have models instead of substitute dolls. But even then they do not function as real Pokémon yet.

This means that legendary Pokémon, like Mewtwo, and Mew which we have seen in screenshots are definitely planned to be added to the mod.

This is in line with the rest of the regular Pokémon, as we are still missing quite a few as seen in our complete list of the Pokemon in the game, but they are planned for future updates.

It can be assumed, that legendaries will be locked behind hard fights against them. Be prepared, level up a variety of Pokemon with different types, pick your favorites, and become the greatest Pokemon trainer.

Final Thoughts

Legendary Pokemon are not the end all, be all when it comes to Pokemon games, and even though they are cool there are many others that can take their place.

Be patient and with time this amazing Pokemon Minecraft mod will add every feature players want. Slowly build up your team, and by the time legendaries get added, you will be ready to take them on.

To catch all the Pokemon you want, and to create many unique teams you will need to have Pokeballs. If you are unsure how to do that, or the best way to go about it, check out our guide on how to create Pokeballs, in Cobblemon.

Legendaries hold a special place in many people’s hearts. Personally, I will always remember the first time I found Articuno in the Seafoam Islands, and Moltres hidden in Victory Road.

Talkin about the rumors about Mew being under the truck, in Vermilion City. Pokemon connects a lot of people together through their unique experiences around the regions, so let us down in the comments below what is your favorite legendary?


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