Best Fallout 76 Mod so Far: Better Inventory – Allows You to Filter Food and Drink & More

With hunger and thirst being two important components in Fallout 76, I was shocked to see that there is no way to filter our Aid items based on how much of the food and drink meters they replenish.

Fortunately (for PC owners of the game right now), there’s already a mod released to fix the problem: Better Inventory, created by registrator2000, a well known Fallout 4 modder.

This mod is simple yet extremely efficient and allows you not only to better manage your inventory by giving you multiple sorting options, but also quickly have access to a type of Aid item that you need the most.

Just like most players, I always end up overencumbered and I absolutely hate it when I have to drop this or that.

To my surprise (and probably yours if you check it out), most of your weight will be found in the Aid category – the place where you collect so many items that you will never use.

The Better Inventory mod for Fallout 76 fixes this problem and more, making everything a lot easier to manage and giving you the chance to drop items that you actually don’t need, while also being able to quickly use the ones that you do.

But let’s check out the official description of the mod:

Always over-encumbered but don’t know where your weight is coming from?

Dying of hunger/thirst because you can’t find your food and drink items among all the other chems/Stimpaks/RadAway/bobbleheads in the Aid category?

Better Inventory is a UI mod that adds inventory filters for several inventory categories and shows you the weight of each inventory category.


– Filter the Aid tab for Food and Drink (and Food* / Drink* – asterisks refer to disease-free cooked food and drink items with a limited condition)
– Filter the Weapons tab for Ranged, Melee and Thrown weapons
– View your inventory weight on a per-tab basis to find out where your carry weight is coming from.

Bonus: the creator of the mod is already working on another extremely useful feature that will allow us to sort the armor category by Outfits and Armor.

fallout 76 better inventory mod

This is something that Bethesda should’ve implemented in the full game and I am actually surprised to see that they’re not planning to do so. The PC gamers are extremely lucky, therefore, with registrator2000 mod.

How to install the Better Inventory mod in Fallout 76

1. Download and extract the mod from Nexus Mods, then install it to your Fallout 76 Data folder, e.g. \ Launcher\games\Fallout76\Data

2. Add BetterInventory.ba2 to your archive load list in Fallout76Custom.ini.

3. Launch the game and the mod will be loaded.

If it is your first time installing a mod in Fallout 76, you should check out the full instructions on the mod’s download page on the modifications you first have to add to the Fallout76Custom.ini file.

Hopefully you will take advantage of this mod which I consider extremely safe: it doesn’t “cheat” in any way and doesn’t affect or change anything server-related in the game, it just changes the way already existing data is shown.

Therefore, the risk of having Bethesda breathing up your neck, not liking this mod are minimal (if any, at all).

Calin Ciabai

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