Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Wake Up Dairow Vin

Are you trying to wake up Dairow Vin in Baldur’s Gate 3, the sleeping Tiefling in the sewers? Here’s everything you need to know.

The only way to wake him up is by casting ‘Dominate Person’ and giving him the Death Ward buff before killing him. This will cause him to die and come back to life fully awake.

In this guide, I will explain what to do with the sleeping Tiefling in the sewers in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Before moving on, if you’re having technical issues, check out our guide on how to fix the screen flickering issue on BG3 PC.

How to Wake Up Dairow Vin in BG3

How to wake up Dairow Vin in Baldur's Gate 3.

While exploring the sewers in Act 3, you’ll find a sleeping Tiefling with a lot of empty sleeping potions next to him and a letter revealing that his husband was taken away by cultists.

Players have tried a wide variety of commands on this Tiefling, including throw, damage, charm, and befriend, but none of these had any effect.

The only way to wake up Dairow Vin in Baldur’s Gate 3 is by targeting him with ‘Dominate Person’, buffing him with the Death Ward effect, and then killing him.

Dominate Person will make him count as an ally, which allows you to then cast Death Ward. With Death Ward active, once you kill the Tiefling, you’ll notice that he’ll come back to life and actually wake up.

Does Dairow Vin Do Anything After Waking Up?

How to wake up Dairow Vin in Baldur's Gate 3.

However, once Dairow Vin wakes up, you can’t interact with him at all. He still appears hostile and there is no spell or action you can use to talk with him. While he has some generic voice lines, there’s no actual interaction with him.

As a result, we can assume this is some kind of bug or developers haven’t added the necessary interactions yet. After all, there’s no point having him there if it’s so hard to wake him up and you can’t interact with him afterward.

For now, we can only hope that a future update or mod will fix this interaction.

Wrapping up

To summarize, you can wake up Dairow Vin in BG3 by using Dominate Person and Death Ward first and then killing him.

However, once he resurrects, you will be unable to interact with him at all. Thus, there’s no reason to revive or spend any time trying to talk to him.

What do you think of this weird interaction? Would say it’s a bug or a feature? Feel free to share your thoughts and any other interactions you tried with this Tiefling in the comments below.

For more similar content, check out our guide on how to complete the Iron Throne in Baldur’s Gate 3.


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