Ark: Survival Ascended: How to Enable God Mode

Are you trying to enable God Mode in Ark Survival Ascended but can’t figure out how? Here’s everything you should know.

Overall, there are three different God Mode commands with the main one being ‘admincheat god’. This will make you immune to all damage, except damage taken from natural causes like hunger.

In this guide, I will explain how to enable god mode in ASA to help you customize your gaming experience and try anything that you want.

If you’re new to the game and can’t decide where to settle, check out our guide on the best base locations in Ark Survival Ascended.

How to Enable God Mode in Ark Survival Ascended

How to enable god mode in Ark Survival Ascended.

Specifically, there are three commands that allow you to activate god mode:

  • admincheat god: grants god mode, which makes you immune to all damage except damage taken from hunger, thirst, and drowning
  • gmbuff: grants god mode while also giving infinite stats and making you invisible to enemy creatures
  • leavemealone: same as gmbuff

Overall, depending on what you want to do, the ‘gmbuff’ and ‘leavemealone’ commands are more effective, primarily due to the extra infinite stats and enemy invisibility. While you won’t be able to take damage regardless, it’s nice not to have all hostile creatures chasing you.

Just keep in mind that during any of these commands, you will be able to die from hunger, thirst, and drowning. To make this go away, you can consider spawning food and water to ensure you’re fully fed and hydrated.

To do that and for more suggestions, check out our full list of cheats and commands in Ark Survival Ascended.

Keep in mind that to enable cheats, you must be on a server that you own or that a friend owns who decides to grant you permission. To get your own server, check out our dedicated server setup guide on Ark Survival Ascended.

How to Disable God Mode and Infinite Stats

If you changed your mind or finished what you were doing and want to go back to normal, you can disable god mode by retyping the command you used.

If you only want to disable god mode but keep the other effects, after disabling god mode you can use the following commands:

  • infinitestats: grants you infinite stats, same gmbuff, but without the godmode and invisibility
  • enemyinvisible: makes you invisible to all enemy creatures, without the godmode and infinite stats

This way, you can pick and choose which ones you want to keep and use.

Wrapping up

To summarize, you can enable god mode in ASA by using the ‘admincheat’ command or the ‘gmbuff’/’leavemealone’ options that also grant infinite stats and enemy invisibility.

When you want to turn it off, simply retype the command on the console and that’s all.

Do you have a custom server or are you experimenting in single player? Either way, there’s a lot to learn when starting in Ark Survival Ascended and god mode helps to ease the learning curve.

For more helpful suggestions to get started, check out our best tips and tricks for Ark Survival Ascended to help you survive your first few days.


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