Enshrouded: Best Mage Build

If you go with a mage build in Enshrouded, this guide will walk you through what you need to be the best mage.

From which level-up stats to increase, to what gear you need, which spells are extremely powerful to equip, and lastly which skill tree abilities to unlock.

All the important information will be laid out so you can be ready to take on any challenge.

Let’s dive into the build.

Best Level-up Stats to Increase in Enshrouded


Let’s begin with what stats you will need to focus on increasing with each passing level up.

The first and main stat any mage will need is the Intelligence stat increasing magic damage which stacks with other forms of magic damage increases. It is your primary stat, so stay on top of it.

The next stat you will want to increase is the Constitution stat which increases your health by 50 per point in the stat. You are aiming for 10 points on the Constitution stat without food buffs, so keep the number in mind as your benchmark.

Lastly, the last stat that you will need to increase is the Spirit stat. While progressing through the game, as you pick up higher-grade spells your mana costs will skyrocket.

Picking up Spirit will alleviate these issues with mana costs, and allow you to cast spells without having to worry about mana management.

With the level-up stats out of the way let’s move on to the gear you will want to have equipped with this build.

Before moving on with the rest of the build if you are having trouble with NPC quests, check out our guide on the location of the fireplace for the farmer in Enshrouded.

Best Gear to Equip in Enshrouded


Here are all the gear pieces you want to have as you end your Mage Build and reach the late game.

  • Weapon: Your main weapon will be the Shroud Weaver, a wand that can reach level 35. It is the best wand in the game. Along with the Shroud Weaver, you will also want a fire wand, an ice wand, and a shock wand.
  • Shield: When it comes to the shield equip slot you will want to equip the Ethereal Plane. It requires players to have the Blacksmith, and the Forge to craft it.
  • Head Armor: For the head armor piece you will want to have the Archmage Hat. It gives both Critical Strike Damage and Magical Critical Strike Damage.
  • Upper Body Armor: For the upper body armor you will want to have the Soldier’s Chestplate. You will want to increase both defenses in the game without going too far on either physical or magical defensive stats. It requires the blacksmith to be crafted.
  • Arm Armor: For the arm armor you want to have the Elder Gloves. Though a bit tricky to find, they are by far your best option in the late game. You can get it by killing enemies in Deepcut or Tombstone.
  • Lower Body Armor: For the lower body armor you will want to have the Eagle Eye Trousers. They offer 50 points in both defenses, as well as 18 stamina, and one spirit seed.
  • Foot Armor: For the foot armor you will want to have the Eagle Eye Boots. They offer stamina regeneration, and stamina timeout reduction. They can be farmed from chests, so they will be easy to find.
  • Ring: When it comes to the ring slots, you will want the Commander’s Ring for both slots. They offer 30% mana and 30 health. You can easily farm them from the boss in the Pike.

With all the gear laid out let’s move to the skill tree skills you will want to unlock.

Best Skill Tree Abilities to Unlock in Enshrouded


Let’s go over which abilities from the skill tree you want to unlock for this build.

From the red skill trees, you will want the following:

  • Constitution: Increases your Constitution attribute by 1.
  • Constitution: Increases your Constitution attribute by 1.
  • Shiny Plates: Physical armor gains 10% more armor points.
  • Heavy Plates: The maximum amount of physical damage your armor is able to mitigate is increased by 10%
  • Constitution: Increases your Constitution attribute by 1.
  • Tower: When there are three or more enemies within 20 meters you suffer 10% less physical damage.
  • Warden: When there are three or more enemies within 20 meters you suffer 15% less magical damage.
  • Constitution: Increases your Constitution attribute by 1.
  • Earth Aura: All damage against players within 10 meters is reduced by 10%

From the green skill trees, you will want the following:

  • Endurance: increases your stamina by 10.
  • Runner: sprinting speed increased by 10% and stamina consumption decreased by 10%.
  • Double Jump: allows jumping a second time while airborne.
  • Endurance: increases your stamina by 10.
  • Wanderlust: Stamina consumption for sprinting on dirt roads is reduced from 90% to 80%. Stamina consumption for sprinting on stone roads is reduced from 75% to 50%.
  • Updraft: Pressing the jump button while gliding will give you a small height boost. This skill can be used once per flight.

From the blue skill trees, you will want the following:

  • Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1.
  • Absorb: When you suffer magical damage, you have a 10% chance to generate 1 mana for each health point lost.
  • Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1.
  • Unity: Damaging enemies with wand attacks has a 24% chance to recover 2% mana.
  • Wand Master: 30% chance to spawn an additional wand projectile.
  • Sting: Repeated wand damage is increased by 20%.
  • Blink: Replaces your Dodge Roll ability with a short range teleport.
  • Emergency Blink: You can blink while being stunned. This will break the stunned state.
  • Healer: Health gained from healing spells will be increased by 10%
  • Healer II: Health gained from healing spells will be increased by an additional 20%
  • Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1.
  • Water Aura: All players within 15 meters regenerate 1 HP per second for every intelligence.
  • Water of Life: Regenerate 1 additional health point per intelligence.
  • Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1.
  • Spirit: Increases Mana by 20.
  • Necromancer: When killing an enemy with a magic weapon, you have a 10% chance to summon a friendly fire wisp.
  • This is the Way: when attacking with a magical weapon all damage is increased by 10%.
  • Spirit: Increases Mana by 20.
  • Arsonist: All fire damage is increased by an additional 10%.
  • Pyromaniac: All Fire damage is increased by an additional 20%.
  • Quick Charge: Reduces the time Staff required to charge up a spell by 50%.
  • Radiant Aura: All fell foes within 10 meters take 1 fire damage per intelligence per second.
  • Sun Aura: 1 additional fire damage per intelligence per second.
  • Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1.
  • Wizard: When attacking with a magical weapon your critical hit chance is increased by 10%.
  • Chain Hit: On critical hit with a magical weapon the attack will automatically hit a second enemy within 15 meters for 5 Shock damage per intelligence.
  • Mass Distraction: On critical hit with a magical weapon the attack will automatically hit a second enemy within 20 meters for 2 Shock damage per intelligence.
  • Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1.
  • Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1.
  • Spirit: Increases Mana by 20.
  • Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1.
  • Counterstrike: 20% chance to reflect 50% of the damage back to the attacker as fire damage.
  • Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1.
  • Begone!: A magic-powered punch that pushes and stuns hit foes.
  • Spirit: Increases Mana by 20.
  • Intelligence: Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1.
  • Terror: on a critical hit with a spell, the target will be stunned for 4 seconds.
  • Spirit: Increases Mana by 20.
  • Spirit: Increases Mana by 20.
  • Spirit: Increases Mana by 20.

Best Spells to Use in Enshrouded


With your build is complete, let’s go over the spells that you will want to use as your bread and butter.

  • Eternal Fireball
  • Eternal Acid Bite
  • Eternal Fireball
  • Eternal Ice Bolt
  • Eternal Light Burst
  • Acid Bite
  • Lightning Channel
  • Shroud Meteor

These are all the damaging spells you want to use while taking on different enemies.

If you want to check out more open-world experiences but don’t have anyone to play with, check out our guide on whether it is worth to play Palworld solo.

Special Thanks

A huge thank you to Mordarim for compiling all this information about the Mage Build. This guide was based on his exceptional work and dedication. If you want to see more details on what was already discussed check out his video on this information.

Final Thoughts

Having the ability, and making it fun to use while not completely overpowered is a balance most games have to be wary of. Enshrouded has done an amazing job of making players feel strong while dealing with enemies attacking them.

If you want to check out more content about the game, check out our guide on the hunter vault buttons in Enshrouded.

With the best mage build laid for you for Enshrouded, you will be able to test it out and see if it’s for you. Let us know in the comments down below which spell you enjoy using the most.


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