Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora: Best Skills to Unlock

Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora has a varied skill tree, and in this guide, I will go over the best skills to unlock as you play for a smoother experience.

These 7 skills will make the early game smooth, and enjoyable experience despite skill level. Here is a quick overview of the skills I will go over.

  • Aerial Fishing I
  • Flying Takedown
  • Elemental Resistance
  • Raw Food Diet
  • Light-Footed Hunter II
  • Renowned Crafter
  • Well Prepared

Let’s dive a little deeper into skills.

Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora: Skill Basics


Skill points can be earned through various activities, like completing side quests, or finding Tarsyu Saplings.

These points can then be spent on five unique skill trees that enhance your abilities in combat, and out of it.

Skill unlock in a procedural order, requiring the player first to unlock any skill that precedes the one you want.

These are the five skill trees players will be able to use their points in.

  • Memories of the Survivor
  • Memories of the Warrior
  • Memories of the Hunter
  • Memories of the Maker
  • Memories of the Rider

Now let’s dive into the best skills.

Aerial Fishing I


Aerial Fishing I is in the skill tree Memories of the Rider, and it only requires players to have unlocked the Barrel Roll skill first.

Aerial Fishing I has the following effect: Your ikran will catch fish when flying low over deep waters. Fish replenishes energy.

Your ikran will be a companion that will help you both in traversal and combat as you progress through the game. However, that pesky energy management can be an issue.

With this skill, you can increase the time you remain airborne while minimizing the time you would have spent stopping and picking up food from your journey. It is an incredible quality-of-life upgrade, you should pick it up early on.

While talking about the Ikran, you should check out our guide on how to tame animals in Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora.

Flying Takedown


This skill will allow you to transform into the terror of the skies, and the overall flying experience will be really strong for those struggling with combat or who want to maximize their flying experience.

Flying Takedown is part of the Memories of the Rider tree, and it needs players to have unlocked the Barrel Roll skill, and the Experienced Flier skill.

Flying Takedown has the following effect: When riding on your ikran, you can take down RDA Scorpions and RDA Samsons while they are staggered.

When the enemy gets staggered the game will prompt you to do the flying takedown, destroying the enemy in the process. That will take away a dangerous enemy from the overall situation, and also collect automatically any materials that would have fallen.

This is one of the best combat skills to have while exploring on the air in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora.

Elemental Resistance


The world of Pandora has a lot of dangers, and having resistance to those dangers can make a big difference, in how hard health management can be.

Elemental Resistance is part of the Memories of the Survivor tree, and it only needs players to have unlocked Vitality I.

Elemental Resistance has the following effect: Resistance against Fire, Poison, and Electricity is increased by 30%.

Whether we are talking about the plants you find while exploring or the RDA outposts you will come across these different effects, and having this advantage will make all the difference.

Raw Food Diet


Raw Food Diet is part of the Memories of the Survivor, and it requires players to have unlocked the Vitality I, and Vigor I skills first.

Raw Food Diet has the following effect: Eating raw food ingredients replenishes twice as much energy.

Sometimes while exploring players it’s not easy to go back to a campsite or gather the ingredients to create meals.

With this skill, players will be able to eat whatever they get their hands on, and still manage their energy efficiently without much backtracking.

This is the best exploration-based skill you can pick up in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora.

Light-Footed Hunter II


Sneaking around while avoiding a fight, or looking for an advantageous position can be hard if enemies suddenly take notice.

Light-Footed Hunter II is part of the Memories of the Hunter, and it requires players to have unlocked the Shadow Hunter, and Light-Footed Hunter I skills first.

Light-Footed Hunter II has the following effect: You no longer make any noise from moving, even while running

Eliminating noise even while running will help players get out of sticky situations much easier, especially when they misjudge a fight, and run head-first into danger.

Renowned Crafter


Renowned Crafter is part of the Memories of the Maker, and it requires players to have unlocked the Connoisseur I, and Stable Hands skills first.

Renowned Crafter has the following effect: All Na’vi crafting experts are now willing to entrust you with their best materials in recognition of your skill as a master crafter.

Though unassuming at first, this skill is well worth the points invested into it. With this skill, you can get Exquisite quality materials from vendors, and it saves you the effort of actually going and farming them.

It can take a considerable amount of time especially when you’re much later in the game and you’re trying to make some of the greatest equipment pieces.

This is the best crafting-based skill you can get in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora.

Well Prepared


Well Prepared allows players pretty early on to have an extra weapon slot. It may seem unnecessary, but some weapons can be great for dealing with specific weaknesses.

Well Prepared is part of the Memories of the Warrior, and it requires players to have unlocked the Strength I, and Strength II skills first.

Well Prepared has the following effect: Unlocks a fourth slot in your weapon wheel to assign a weapon to it.

Having a way to deal with many different enemy types on the weapon wheel, makes chance encounters with different enemies easier to manage.

Final Thoughts

Skill trees are meant to offer customization, and allow for individual playstyle, and player expression for the way you want to play the game.

Knowing which skills are the best is only half of the equation, so check out our guide on the best weapons in the game for Avatar Frontiers of Pandora.

With the best skills for Avatar Frontiers of Pandora laid out, you will be ready to carve your journey, while knowing which skills are the best, and what skills best represent what you want to do. Let us know in the comments which skills you feel are the most worth unlocking early.


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