How to Fix Lethal Company Lagging in Multiplayer on PC

Are you having lagging issues in Lethal Company Multiplayer PC? Here’s how to fix them and any other performance issues you might have.

To fix lagging as well as performance issues, there’s a wide variety of solutions you can try and it’s important to try them all since the same won’t work for everyone.

Let’s go through everything you need to know to help you solve any Lethal Company issues you have.

How to Fix Lethal Company Multiplayer Lagging & Other Performance Issues on PC

How to fix lagging multiplayer on PC and other performance issues in Lethal Company.

Here are all possible solutions you can try if you’re lagging in Lethal Company multiplayer.

Some solutions can help if you’re facing other performance issues too, such as freezing, stuttering, crashing, and FPS drops.

Restart Your Router

If you’re facing ping issues, the first thing to always try is restarting your router. If the issue isn’t fixed, check if you have high ping on other apps or if it’s only for Lethal Company.

If you have high ping in general, contact your provider. If the issue persists only on Lethal Company, keep reading for more suggestions.

Change Launch Options

Right-click on Lethal Company on Steam, select ‘Properties’ and in the General tab at the far bottom, you’ll Launch Options. Add the following text, exactly as shown below:

  • -high -novid -nojoy

Disable Fullscreen Optimizations

Select Lethal Company on Steam and right-click on it. Go to ‘Properties’, and from the Installed Files tab, select ‘Browse’.

Right-click on the Lethal Company.exe file, head to the Compatibility tab from the top, select ‘Change settings for all users’ at the bottom, and make sure ‘Disable fullscreen optimizations’ is enabled.

Also, select ‘Change high DPI settings’ and make sure the ‘Override high DPI’ setting is also enabled.

Update GPU Drivers

The simplest fix with any new game release is to check if there’s a new update for your GPU Drivers.

Check your GPU’s software (Nvidia or AMD) and check for updates. These can be downloaded and installed within a few minutes and usually help improve performance.

Verify Integrity of Game Files

Another possible way to fix lagging in Lethal Company multiplayer is checking if there’s an issue with the game files. Find the game on your Steam Library, right-click on it, and select ‘Properties’.

Navigate to the ‘Installed Files’ tab on the left and select ‘Verify integrity of game files’. Wait a few minutes until it’s completed and try launching the game again.

Close Background Apps

Ensure that while you’re playing, there are no background apps or programs running that could be using too much of your CPU/GPU/RAM.

The easiest way to check that is by opening the Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and checking if there are other programs using your resources.

Disable Mods

If you have added any mods, consider temporarily removing them to see if it fixes the issue.

Mods can make a game significantly more demanding in terms of hardware resources and avoiding them can help if your system is on the lower or middle end of the hardware requirements.

For instance, there is a mod that adds more people to the lobby, which can definitely cause some lag.

Wrapping up

To summarize, if you are lagging in Lethal Company multiplayer, try all of the above solutions in order, starting with restarting your router.

If you’re facing other performance issues, most solutions mentioned above will work too. Also, please comment on which step helped solve your problem to help other players too!

If you’re back to the game and everything’s running smoothly, consider checking next our guide on how to disable turrets and what Hazard Levels mean in Lethal Company.


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