For the King 2 Guide: Best Combat Tips

Are you looking for a guide with the best combat tips in For the King 2? Here’s everything you need to know about combat and positioning.

There are many things to keep in mind, especially since there are some new mechanics compared to the previous game.

Overall, the best combat tips in FtK 2 involve having a frontline unit, positioning your characters properly and avoiding AoE damage, checking enemy resistances, and keeping an eye out for status effects.

For the King 2 Combat Guide

To help you understand combat in For the King 2, let’s go through five of the most important tips to keep in mind.

Have a Frontline Unit

Best combat tips in For the King 2.

With the new positioning system in For the King 2, it’s important to place some kind of tanky class on the front rows to take the aggro from enemies and let your DPS units deal damage undisturbed.

For instance, in our guide about one of our best starting teams in For the King 2, I recommend using one or two Blacksmiths on the frontline to taunt enemies.

Alternatively, you check our guide on how to unlock the Farmer class in FtK2 since he can summon scarecrows that take the aggro from enemies.

Position Characters Based on their Traits

As you progress in the game, characters will gain access to unique traits. Some traits only work based on your positioning, so make sure to read them all carefully.

For example, there’s a trait that increases your damage by 5% as long as you’re in the backline.

Be Careful of Splash Damage

Best combat tips in For the King 2.

While having a frontline is important, you must be careful on how you position your remaining team.

Many enemy units will have splash damage (AoE) attacks and your DPS will get hit if it’s right behind your tank. There are even attacks that will damage an entire row, so make sure to keep an eye on enemies and always keep moving.

Check the Enemies’ Resistances

Enemies will have certain resistances below their name and HP, including magic and physical resistance. The higher their resistance, the less damage they’ll take from attacks of that element.

The best combat tip here in For the King 2 is to use both physical and magical DPS units in your team to ensure you can deal with any enemy regardless of their resistances.

Understand Status Effects

Best combat tips in For the King 2.

There are various status effects and it’s important to know what kind of debuff each one brings. Here are all the status effects explained in For the King 2:

  • Dazed: lose your next secondary action
  • Stunned: lose your turn
  • Burn: after one turn, start taking damage until you extinguish it
  • Entangled: can’t perform physical attacks or move
  • Lightning: fail your next roll
  • Curse: dramatically reduces one of your stats until cured
  • Confusion: your character starts performing random actions every turn
  • Poison: after one turn, start taking poison damage while your stats get reduced
  • Acid: has a chance to make your gear completely disappear forever
  • Fear: there’s a chance to flee from battle or change your position
  • Frozen: while frozen, you can’t move and take 25% extra damage
  • Bleed: after one turn, start taking bleed damage every turn

And those are all the status effects and how they work in FtK2. As long as you keep them in mind, you’ll have an easier time during combat.

Wrapping up

To summarize, these are the best combat tips in For the King 2 to help you deal with any enemy that comes your way.

As long as you properly position your allies, check the enemies’ resistances, have a frontline unit, and understand status effects, you will be unbeatable.

Do you have any other helpful tips to add to this list? Let us know in the comments below.

Before leaving, one useful tip to keep in mind is to try different classes. Check out our guide on how to unlock all classes in For the King 2 for more details.


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