If you’re trying to use cheats in Star Trek Infinite and want a full list of all console commands, you’ve come to the right place.
You can access the console by pressing the tilde (`) key and there’s a wide variety of commands that allow you to spawn items, deal damage, trigger events, and much more.
In this guide, I will explain how to use the console in Star Trek Infinite and list all available commands and cheats that you can use.
Before moving on, if you’re dealing with performance issues, here’s how to fix Star Trek Infinite crashes and freezes.
How to Use the Console in Star Trek Infinite
To access the console, simply press the tilde (` or ~) key on your keyboard and that’s all.
Then, you can input any command you want in the box that shows up and press enter to trigger its effect.
All Console Commands & Cheats
Now that you have accessed the console, here are all the commands and cheats you can use there, as well as their effects:
- activate_all_traditions: Activates all traditions
- activate_ascension_perk (name): Activates listed perk
- activate_tradition (ID): Activates specific tradition
- add_opinion: Increases specified Empire’s opinion of target empire
- add_pops (ID) (number): Adds specified pops
- add_ship (ID): Adds specified ship
- add_spynetwork_value (target) (number): Adds a number of infiltration processes on set target
- add_trait_leader (ID1) (ID2): Add specified trait (ID1) to specified leader (ID2)
- add_trait_species (ID1) (ID2): Add specified trait (ID1) to specified species (ID2)
- alloys (number): Add alloys
- branchoffice: Take control of the local branch office
- build_pops (number): Build specified number of pops
- cash (number): Add cash (Energy Credits)
- colonize (ID): selected planet using a copy of the pop with the ID given
- create_megastructure (ID): Create a megastructure of your choice
If you’re interested in the add_ship command and want some ideas, check out our guide on how to complete the Immediate Evacuation quest and get a Bulk Carrier in Star Trek Infinite.
- create_navy: Create navy fleet
- damage (number): Deal damage to all selected ships
- debug_nomen: Cause empires to always refuse your proposals
- debug_yesmen: Cause empires to always accept your proposals
- effect add_building = (ID): Add specified building
- effect add_deposit = (ID): Add specified deposit
- effect remove_deposit = (ID): Remove specified deposit
- effect add_district = (ID): Add specified district
- effect add_planet_devastation = (number): Add devastation
- effect country_add_ethic = (ID): Add ethic points
- effect country_remove_ethic = (ID): Remove ethic points
- effect create_archaeological_site = (ID): Add archaeological site
- effect set_origin = (ID): Changes player’s empire origin
- effect shift_ethic = (ID): Change player’s empire ethics
- event (ID): Triggers specified event
With this Star Trek Infinite cheats and console commands list, you’ll be able to fully customize your gaming experience and have everything work out in the way that you want it to.
- federation_add_experience (number): Adds experience to the Federation
- federation_add_cohesion (number): Adds cohesion to the Federation
- federation_add_cohesion_speed (number): Adds monthly cohesion to the Federation
- federation_examine_leader: Causes a Federation succession
- finish_research: Finishes all ongoing research
- finish_special_projects: Finishes all special projects
- finish_terraform: Finishes all ongoing terraforming
- food (number): Adds food
- force_integrate (ID): Forces an empire to integrate into your empire
- free_government: Allows government change
- free_policies: Allows policy change
- grow_pops (number): Adds growing pops
- instant_build: Comples any ongoing buildings and upgrades
- intel: Grants vision on the whole galaxy
- influence (number): Adds influence
Keep in mind that while you can use all commands, it’s better to keep it simple with only a few. Otherwise, it can easily get overwhelming.
- invincible: God Mode/Player ships take no damage
- kill_pop (ID): Kills pop
- max_resources: Fills all resource storages
- minerals (number): Adds Minerals
- observe: Change to observer mode
- own (ID): Own the mentioned fleet, planet, or base
- planet_class (ID): Change element to set ID
- planet_happiness (number): increase happiness by set number
- planet_size (number): Changes the size of the selected planet
- play (ID): Switches player control to a different empire
Out of the above Star Trek Infinite console commands, the one that stands out the most is invincible, as it will grant you god mode and allow you to beat any enemy and have some extra fun.
- remove_trait_leader (ID1) (ID2): Remove trait (ID1) from specific leader (ID2)
- remove_trait_species (ID1) (ID2): Remove trait (ID1) from specific species (ID2)
- research_all_technologies: Researches all non-repeatable technologies
- research_technology (ID): Instantly research specified technology
- skills (number): Adds skill levels to all leaders under your control
- skip_galactic_community_cooldowns: Disables cooldown when proposing resolutions from the same group
- society (number): Adds Society tech points
- survey: Surveys all planets (must have one science ship)
- techupdate: Re-rolls the currently available tech choices
- unity (number): Adds Unity
- unlock_edicts: Unlocks all edicts
This completes our list of all cheats and console commands in Star Trek Infinite. Did you decide on your favorite commands?
Wrapping up
To summarize, you can access the console in Star Trek: Infinite by pressing the tilde (` or ~) key on your keyboard.
Then, you are free to type any of the aforementioned cheat commands in the game to change anything you want. There’s an extremely wide variety that will help you tweak the game based on your preferences.
Which commands did you use? What do you think about using the console overall in the game? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
For more similar content, check out our Star Trek Infinite silent alarm guide and what it means exactly.
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