Remnant 2: How to Get Savior

Are you looking for a weapon that specializes in single-target damage and can take down enemies easily? Here’s how to get the Savior in Remnant 2.

For this weapon, players will need to beat the game on Veteran difficulty and then visit Brabus’ Shop to purchase it.

In this guide, I will explain how to get the Savior weapon in Remnant 2 and provide some tips on the best way to use this weapon.

If you’re interested in getting an amazing relic for tank builds at the same time, check out our guide on the Shielded Heart location in Remnant 2.

How to Get the Savior Weapon in Remnant 2

How to get the Savior weapon in Remnant 2 - Savior weapon stats.
Savior weapon in-game description and mod effect in Remnant 2.

To get the Savior weapon in Remnant 2, beat the game in Hardcore Veteran difficulty and visit Brabus’ shop in Ward 13.

This means that you’ll need to select the Veteran difficulty when starting the game while also making sure to enable Hardcore mode when making a new character.

Hardcore mode will delete your character upon death, so it’s not recommended for your first playthrough unless you’re really confident.

As for the difficulty, Veteran is the second difficulty of the game and has the following modifiers:

  • Experience – 115%
  • Enemy HP – 150%
  • Enemy Damage – 165%
  • Boss HP – 165%
  • Boss Damage – 165%

Since you’ll be going for the Hardcore option too, make sure to check out our guide on the best Apocalypse build in Remnant 2. Using it in Veteran difficulty will make your life easier as you won’t have to worry as much about dying.

Savior Weapon Guide

How to get the Savior weapon in Remnant 2 - Savior weapon guide.
The Savior has one of the best reload animations in Remnant 2.

The Savior starts at 72 damage, 1.9 RPS, and has a magazine of 6. With 25m ideal range, 10% critical hit chance, and +115% weakspot damage bonus, it’s a great single-target weapon.

To upgrade it, you’ll need the following materials:

LevelRequired Materials
1Iron x5
Lumenite Crystal x2
Scrap x300
2Iron x10
Lumenite Crystal x2
Scrap x400
3Iron x15
Lumenite Crystal x2
Scrap x500
4Forged Iron x15
Lumenite Crystal x2
Scrap x600
5Forged Iron x20
Lumenite Crystal x3
Scrap x700
6Galvanized Iron x15
Lumenite Crystal x3
Scrap x800
7Galvanized Iron x20
Lumenite Crystal x3
Scrap x900
8Hardened Iron x15
Lumenite Crystal x4
Scrap x1000
9Hardened Iron x20
Lumenite Crystal x4
Scrap x1000
10Simulacrum x1
Lumenite Crystal x5
Scrap x1200

As for modifiers, the Savior comes automatically equipped with the following weapon mod:

  • Shatterstar – Shots apply Burning and deal 100 fire damage over 10 seconds. Weakspot hits and kills cause shots to fragment and target nearby enemies for 50% of the initial damage. Fragmented shots also apply burning.

This mod has a 1,250 mod power requirement and cannot be removed from the weapon. This means that you’ll need to focus on a burning/elemental damage build if you want to use it.

If you’re not sure which ring to go for, check out our list of all Remnant 2 rings and where to find them.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, players can get the Savior weapon in Remnant 2 by completing the game on Veteran difficulty with a Hardcore character.

Then, they’ll be able to use this weapon to make one of the strongest single-target burning builds in the game.

What do you think about the Savior? Is it a worthy reward for beating the game in Hardcore Veteran? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Before leaving, if you’re interested in upgrading your dodge to a dash, check out our guide on how to get Misty Step in Remnant 2.


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