Yet Another Zombie Survivors: Best Tank Build

The Tank is a playable character in Yet Another Zombie Survivors that focuses on survivability and increased AoE damage.

With the Rocket Launcher Weapon and the Bombing Strike ability, this character can clear hordes of enemies within seconds.

In this guide, I will showcase the best Tank build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors focused on his best abilities to level up, the best weapon to choose, and the best teammates for this character.

For a more general overview of characters, check out our character tier list in YAZS.

Tank Abilities Explained in Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Best Tank Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best Tank Abilities.

The Tank has three abilities in YAZS:

  • Swablade Drone – Summons 1 Sawblade drone that moves around you and damages enemies (leveling up increases the number of drones, up to 5).
  • Minefield – Plants three mines in random locations near you (leveling up increases the number of mines and reduces cooldown).
  • Bombing Strike – Calls multiple airstrikes near you that deal AoE damage (leveling up increases the radius of each bomb and reduces cooldown).

The best Tank ability is the Bombing Strike since it deals heavy AoE damage, can one-shot zombies, and deal significant damage to bosses. Due to that, for the best Tank build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors, I recommend maxing it out early on just after the weapon.

Minefield is a useful ability in the early game, so I recommend spending one point there and then forgetting it until the end game.

Lastly, Sawblade Drone is not worth leveling as the drones don’t deal enough damage to even one-shot zombies.

Best Tank Weapon

Best Tank Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best Tank weapon.

The Tank has four weapons available in Yet Another Zombie Survivors:

  • Shotgun – Early game shotgun with a low fire rate.
  • Pump-Action Shotgun – Higher damage and faster fire rate than the Shotgun.
  • Minigun – Classic minigun with medium damage and extremely high fire rate.
  • Rocket Launcher – Shoots AoE rockets that explode on impact.

Overall, the Shotgun and the Pump-Action Shotgun are useful weapons but only for the late game. Due to that, upgrading to any of the tier 3 weapons as soon as possible is essential when playing as the Tank.

Best Tank Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best Tank weapon.

While both of them can be good, the best Tank weapon is the Rocket Launcher since it’s ideal both for hordes and for bosses.

The Minigun is a great choice when paired with other characters that deal AoE damage, such as the Engineer.

Best Tank Team in Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Best Tank Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best Tank Team.

The best Tank team in Yet Another Zombie Survivors involves pairing the Tank with the Ghost and the Huntress.

The Tank can deal phenomenal damage with the Rocket Launcher and the Bombing Strike, and this team can significantly increase its Critical Hit Chance.

With Protocol: Critical (Ghost) and Eagle Eye (Huntress), you can get a 70% Critical Hit Chance instantly. Pair this with the right upgrades and items while also increasing Critical Hit Damage and you’ll be almost one-shotting bosses.

For more details on these characters, check out our other guides on the best build for the Huntress and the best build for the Ghost.

Wrapping up the Best Tank Build

To sum up this tank build guide in YAZS, the best build for this character prioritizes leveling up the Rocket Launcher and the Bombing Strike early on, and then leaving the other two abilities for the late game.

Optionally, players can also skip the Sawblade Drone completely if they want to level up other characters.

What are your thoughts on the Tank character? Have you managed to beat Hardcore with him yet? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Before leaving, combine this guide with our article on how to beat Hardcore in Yet Another Zombie Survivors and you’ll be able to clear anything in the game.


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