Jagged Alliance 3: How to Make Money

Making money in Jagged Alliance 3 is essential for progressing in the game and keeping your mercenaries paid.

The best money-making strategies involve controlling Diamond Mines, selling valuable items you’ve scavenged, and extorting certain NPCs.

In this guide, I will showcase the best methods to help you make money in the early stages of the game in Jagged Alliance 3.

Of course, managing your starting money is also an important strategy. Make sure to check out our guide on the best starting mercenaries in Jagged Alliance 3 to make sure you’re not wasting your starting funds.

Best Ways to Make Money in Jagged Alliance 3

Overall, there are various strategies for making money in the early game of JA 3 and players should use a combination of all available methods. Here are all the three best ways to make money in the game:

1. Control Diamond Mines

Best ways to make money in Jagged Alliance 3 - Controlling Diamond Mines.

Diamond Mines can be found all across Grand Chien and are occupied by the Legion. Once freed, they will start rewarding you with money on a daily basis.

Each mine grants $3,000 per day, which can increase further by liberating nearby settlements and completing side missions.

However, the Legion will try to capture these mines back from time to time, so you’ll need to protect them with Train Militia when your mercenaries aren’t close by.

Overall, controlling Diamond Mines is the best way to make money in Jagged Alliance 3. However, it can be hard to control them and there are some easier alternatives to make money.

2. Sell Valuable Items

Best ways to make money in Jagged Alliance 3 - sell valuable items.

There are many valuable items that can be found while exploring the map. These include the following:

  • Relics – Found in tombs within Diamond mines.
  • Hardware – Found in enemy encampments and they include phones and other electronic gadgets.
  • Guns – Scavenge and sell guns from any enemies you defeat. Make sure to repair them first and then sell them to make more money.

These methods provide some consistent cash that can be gained at any point in your playthrough.

3. Extort NPCs

Best ways to make money in Jagged Alliance 3 - extort NPCS.

Lastly, players have the option to extort certain non-hostile NPCs to earn money. For instance, during the first mission, players will encounter Bastien.

If they decide not to trust him, Bastien will offer to give players diamonds in exchange for letting him go.

Of course, diamonds can fetch a high price when sold and thus are a great way to get some extra early-game money.

Wrapping up

To summarize, the best ways to make money in Jagged Alliance 3 involve controlling Diamond Mines, selling valuable items, and extorting NPCs when given the option.

With these tips, you’ll be able to pay your starting mercenaries without issue and can start adding new mercenaries to your squad.

How much money are you making at the moment? What’s your next purchase going to be? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Before leaving, don’t forget to also check out our guide on how to turn on Forgiving Mode in Jagged Alliance 3 and optimize your difficulty settings.


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