Aliens: Dark Descent – Best Team / Class Comps

In Aliens Dark Descent, players are called to control a squad of Marines as they navigate through the levels and defeat enemies.

However, with five classes available and multiple Perks and attributes to choose from, players are struggling to find the best team composition.

In this guide, I will list all classes in Aliens: Dark Descent and help you find the best team and class comp available.

Before selecting classes and Perks , make sure to check out our guide on how to level up and promote soldiers in Aliens Dark Descent.

All Classes in Aliens Dark Descent

Best team and class comp in Aliens Dark Descent.

There are five classes available in Aliens Dark Descent and here are all of them:

  • Gunner – Carries an M56 Smart Gun and gains the Bravery attribute.
  • Medic – Heals squad members.
  • Recon – Carries a Light Pulse Rifle, finds safe paths, and can perform stealth kills on enemies.
  • Sergeant – Increases Bravery of all squad members (Charismatic Perk) and can stop stress buildup temporarily.
  • Tecker – Uses hacking skills to make it easier to traverse the map and deal with aliens.

However, before completing Mission 6, players will be limited to four Marines per squad, which means you’ll have to leave one class out.

Best Team/Class Comps in Aliens Dark Descent

Best team and class comp in Aliens Dark Descent.

During the first six missions, players will be called to choose four Marines to form their main squad. You should always include a Gunner and a Medic, as they are the best classes in Aliens Dark Descent.

Sergeant is also extremely useful, as managing stress and Trauma effectively can make the difference between winning and losing.

However, the Recon and the Tecker are interchangeable early on and you can use either of them. Thus, for the early game, skip either the Recon or the Tecker.

Based on that, the best team & class comp in Aliens Dark Descent is the following:

  1. Gunner – The Gunner will be your main DPS unit that will deal with aliens effectively.
  2. Medic – The Medic will ensure everyone on your team stays alive while also helping reduce Trauma buildup.
  3. Sergeant – The Sergeant will buff teammates and significantly prevent Trauma buildup.
  4. Recon/Tecker – Select either of the two to help you traverse the map faster and more carefully.

After Mission 6, you’ll be able to bring five Marines in your squad instead of four so make sure to bring one of each class. This way, you’ll never lack the tools to deal with any scenario.

Combine the best team comp with our guide on the best Perks and attributes in Aliens Dark Descent to fully optimize your squad.

Wrapping up

To sum up, this is the best team and class comp in Aliens Dark Descent.

Before Mission 6, skip the Recon or Tecker class. After that mission, bring one Marine of each class and you’ll be able to deal with everything that the game throws at you.

What’s your favorite class in the game? Do you have any other loadouts that you prefer during the early and late stages of the game? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.


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