Roblox Rider World: How to Unlock All Riders

Unlocking new Riders in Roblox Rider World allows you to unlock new skills and powers. To do that, you will need to craft their Belts plus various other materials that are necessary.

This guide will cover all the details you need to know to quickly unlock all the Riders in the game. I won’t include the special characters here, though, as they’re a bit different. But I have them covered in the previous article, how to get all Special Form Mirror Riders.

Now, let’s jump right and and see how to unlock riders in Roblox Rider World!

How to unlock all riders in Roblox Rider World - interact with the Crafter NPC.
Interact with the Crafter NPC to unlock Rider belts.

Unlocking new Riders is far from easy and you’ll need to grind the necessary materials for a while. These are the steps you will always need to follow, though:

  1. Head to the Gym and find the Crafter.
  2. From the Mirror World tab, select the Rider’s Belt you want to craft.
  3. With the Belt crafted, visit Odin to get the Mirror World Rider of your choice.

I always find it most difficult to unlock the belt. Each one requires different materials which are not easy to gather, but it’s going to be at least a bit easier if you follow my instructions below.

Also read our updated list of Roblox Rider World Codes.

How to unlock all the belts

How to unlock all riders in Roblox Rider World - interact with Odin.
Interact with Odin NPC to unlock Riders in Roblox Rider World.

Check out the table below to see all the requirements – from level requirements to materials and deck – for all of the Riders in the game.

BeltLevel RequirementBelt MaterialsHow to get Deck
Dragon RiderTraveler Lv. 51x Dragon Rider’s Deck
1x Hourglass
1x Reverse Vent
1x Empty Belt
4x Dragon’s Fang
Defeat Dragon users in the first area.
Bat RiderTraveler Lv. 121x Bat Rider’s Deck
1x Hourglass
1x Reverse Vent
1x Empty Belt
4x Bat’s Wing
Defeat Bat users in the first area.
Crab RiderTraveler Lv. 101x Crab Rider’s Deck
1x Hourglass
1x Reverse Vent
1x Empty Belt
8x Gold Case
Defeat Crab users in the second area.
Bull RiderTraveler Lv. 151x BullRider’s Deck
1x Hourglass
1x Reverse Vent
1x Empty Belt
4x Layer’s Case
Defeat Bull users in the third area.
Cobra RiderTraveler Lv. 201x Cobra Rider’s Deck
1x Hourglass
1x Reverse Vent
1x Empty Belt
6x Cobra’s Fang
Defeat Cobra users in the third area.
Manta RiderTraveler Lv. 251x Manta Rider’s Deck
1x Hourglass
1x Reverse Vent
1x Empty Belt
12x Manta’s Fin
Defeat Manta users in the fourth area.
Swan RiderTraveler Lv. 301x Swan Rider’s Deck
1x Hourglass
1x Reverse Vent
1x Empty Belt
12x Swan’s Feathers
Defeat Swan users in the fourth area.
Chameleon RiderTraveler Lv. 351x Chameleon Rider’s Deck
1x Hourglass
1x Empty Belt
1x Mirror’s Card
64x Raw Banana
Defeat Chameleon users in the fourth area.
Dark Dragon RiderTraveler Lv. 40 & Dragon Rider Lv. 401x Dark Dragon Rider’s Deck
1x Phoenix’s Feather
1x Hourglass Globe
1x Empty Belt
12x Mirror’s Card
Defeat Dark Dragon users in the fifth area & talk to Ryuga Shinji in the fourth area to get 1x Empty Deck and 1x Reverse Vent.
Tiger RiderTraveler Lv. 401x Tiger Rider’ss Deck
64x Newspaper
1x Hourglass Globe
1x Empty Belt
8x Tiger’s Paw
Defeat Tiger users in the sixth area & talk to Risky in the first area to get Boiled Honey.
Rhino RiderTraveler Lv. 401x Rhino Rider’s Deck
1x Hourglass
1x Reverse Vent
1x Empty Belt
1x Perfect Rhino’s Horn
Defeat Rhino users in the seventh area & talk to Zoo Protector NPC in the third area to get Perfect Rhino Horn.
Gazelle RiderTraveler Lv. 401x Gazelle Rider’s Deck
1x Hourglass
1x Mirror’s Card
1x Empty Belt
2x Gazelle’s Antler
Defeat Gazelle users in the eighth area & talk to Caveman NPC in the same area to get Crafted Mask.
Phoenix Rider1x Phoenix Rider’s Deck
1x Hourglass Globe
4x Phoenix’s Feather
1x Empty Belt
24x Mirror’s Card
Complete Trial of Odin in the eighth area.
Alternative Zero RiderSee below.
Shark RiderSee below.

If you don’t have the required level yet, check out our guide on how to level up fast in Roblox Rider World.

Now, there are two special Riders in the table above. I am going to go in depth with how to get their belts, as it’s a bit more complicated.

How to Get Alternative Zero Rider Belt

How to unlock all riders in Roblox Rider World - alternative zero rider.

Here’s how to get the Alternative Zero Rider belt in Rider World:

  1. Defeat Trial Phase 1-2 to get Lab Coat and Empty Belt.
  2. Get 2 Wheels from the Bus Driver (4x Newspaper + 2 Honey for each wheel).
  3. In the Mirror World Swamp Area, find the Old Scientist. Exchange 2x Wheels and 1x Empty Belt for 1x Chemical Vial.
  4. With 1x Chemical Vial and 1x Lab Coat in your inventory, give them to the Scientist to get the Alternative Zero Rider.

How to Get Shark Rider Belt

How to unlock all riders in Roblox Rider World - shark rider.

Here’s how to get the Shark Rider belt in Rider World:

  1. Navigate to the Beach and begin the quest from the NPC in the shack.
  2. In the same area, kill Violent Dragoon to complete the quest.
  3. In the same area, defeat Shark Monster until you get 3x Salmon and 2x Golden Powder.
  4. Use these materials to cook 1 Perfect Salmon.
  5. Find a half-sunken house in the sea and interact with the rubble to consume a Perfect Salmon and summon a Shark User.
  6. Find the Diver NPC on a nearby island and interact with him to get the Shark Rider.

For the special event ones introduced later in the game, we have guides too: here’s How to Get Faiz/555, How to Get Black RX and How to Get the Motorcycle in Rider World.

And this would be all – you know now how to unlock all the riders in the game. If you still have questions, let us all know by commenting down below.

Which Rider are you trying to unlock? Who is your favorite Rider in the game? Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments below.


14 thoughts on “Roblox Rider World: How to Unlock All Riders”

  1. My Decade is level 80,My Ryuki is level 46,My Knight is level 10 and finally,My Odin is at level 7(I have obtain him after i beat Trial Phase 1-2)


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