Amnesia: The Bunker – Where to Find the Wrench

When exploring the bunker, you’ll come across many locked vents that can’t be forced open. To unlock these vents, you’ll need the Wrench.

To find the Wrench in Amnesia The Bunker, you’ll need to open the “F Stafford” locker in the Mission Storage room after getting the 4-digit code from Stafford’s dog tag found in the Pillbox room.

In this guide, I will explain how to get Stafford’s dog tag and find the code for his locker to get the Wrench. Also, I will showcase how to use the Wrench to open vents.

If you’re just starting to explore the bunker and its secrets, consider also checking out our guide on how to open locked wooden doors in Amnesia The Bunker.

How to Get the Wrench in Amnesia The Bunker

How to find the Wrench in Amnesia The Bunker.

To find the Wrench in Amnesia The Bunker, players will need to navigate into the Maintenance area and find the “F Stafford” dog tag inside the Pillbox room.

Before heading into the Maintenance area, make sure you’ve found the Valve Handle and lifted the lockdown.

How to Get the F Stafford Dog Tag

To get F Stafford’s dog tag and locker code in Amnesia The Bunker, you will need to get into the Pillbox room in the Maintenance Area.

Keep in mind that the dog tag is randomized in every playthrough, so there’s no point in giving you the code I found.

Head to the Maintenance area and move straight through the main hallway there. Based on the map and after the light switch, turn left to access the Workshop room.

How to get the F Stafford dog tag and code in Amnesia The Bunker.

Enter the tunnel there but be careful as it’s filled with rats. Use a Torch to scare them away or check out our guide on how to deal with rats in Amnesia The Bunker for more suggestions.

After passing through the tunnel, turn left to find a locked door that leads to the Pillbox Room.

How to find the Wrench in Amnesia The Bunker.

Since the door is locked, head down from the Pillbox door into the Storage Hub and turn left to access the Chapel. Be wary as the Storage Room has multiple tripwire traps.

Enter the Chapel and head right to find a closed door which is a confession booth with a corpse inside.

How to find the Pillbox key in Amnesia The Bunker.

Next to the corpse, you’ll find the key to the Pillbox room. Head back the way you came and unlock the door with the key.

Also, check the main altar in the Chapel Room to find a dog tag with a code behind it.

In the Pillbox room, climb up the ladder and you’ll find Foreman Stafford’s corpse and his dog tag with the locker code you need.

Where to Use F Stafford Code

How to find the Wrench in Amnesia The Bunker.

With the dog tag and code acquired, head all the way back to the Administration Room. From there, head left to the Mission Storage, the room where you found the valve handle with the multiple locked lockers.

Navigate to the lockers at the back side of the room and find the “F Stafford” locker. Use the code you found in the Pillbox room and you’ll unlock the Wrench in Amnesia The Bunker.

How to Open Vents in Amnesia The Bunker

How to open vents in Amnesia The Bunker.

With the Wrench unlocked, you can now unlock vents. To open vents in Amnesia The Bunker, equip the Wrench and aim at the screws in the corners of the vent.

Make sure to visit the Wine Cellar area in the Officer Quarters as it has a locked vent and various useful materials behind it such as fuel and ammo.

With the Wrench unlocked, the next place to visit is the Prison area for the Chain Cutters tool. For directions on where to go next, check out our guide on how to get the Chain Cutters in Amnesia The Bunker.

Wrapping up

To summarize, players can get the Wrench in Amnesia The Bunker by accessing the Pillbox room in the Maintenance area and getting the “F Stafford” dog tag and locker code.

Then, they will need to go to the Mission Storage room and use the code in F Stafford’s locker to unlock it and get the Wrench.

Did you break open the Pillbox door or did you get the Pillbox key first? Don’t hesitate to share your strategy in the comments below.


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