Terra Nil Abandoned Quarry: How to Find All Animals

An important part of restoring the ecosystem in each map in Terra Nil is finding all animals and placing them in their preferred habitat.

To find all animals, you’ll first need to place an Animal Observatory and then research your current biomes to see if the animals would thrive there.

In this Terra Nil guide, I will explain how to use the Animal Observatory to discover animals and how to find all of them on the Abandoned Quarry map.

Also, if you’re exploring the Abandoned Quarry map, you’ll come across the issue of having no trees to grow forests and set up beehives.

This is actually an intended feature, so make sure to check out our guide on how to solve the ‘no trees’ issue in Terra Nil.

How to Use the Animal Observatory to Discover Animals in Terra Nil

How to use the Animal Observatory in Terra Nil.
How to use the Animal Observatory in Terra Nil.

The animal observatory showcases shadow previews of all the animals available on the map. Then, players will need to use the Sonar Scan feature to find out the preferred habitats of these animals.

Start by selecting the Animal Observatory, and then the animal you want to research. Then, select a random biome from your map and see if you get any matches.

Of course, you don’t have to select biomes completely randomly. Instead, based on the preview image of the animal, you can make more educated guesses. For instance, if the animal looks like a frog, the preferred biome will be near the Wetlands.

To make this even easier, instead of having to guess, I’ll list all the animals you can find in the Abandoned Quarry map and mention all their requirements.

All Animals in the Abandoned Quarry and How to Find Them in Terra Nil

All Animals in the Abandoned Quarry in Terra Nil.
All Animals in the Abandoned Quarry in Terra Nil.
Deer20 Greenery Tiles
Frog10 Wetland Tiles
5 Fynbos Tiles
Brown Bear20 Forest Tiles
20 Hill Tiles
In the range of a Beehive
Goose4 Lake Tiles (Scanning the river also appears to work)
Beaver20 River Tiles
10 Forest Tiles
Timber Wolf15 Forest Tiles
In the range of a group of Deer

These are all the animals available in the Abandoned Quarry. Make sure to alter your biomes slightly if you can’t locate them and you’ll be able to complete the map with ease.

Wrapping up

To summarize, players can find all animals in the Abandoned Quarry map by using the Animal Observatory and scanning the previously-mentioned biomes.

As long as you’ve managed to fulfill all requirements, you’ll be able to find the animal you were searching for.

Which animal were you searching for? Did you manage to find it easily, or did you have to tweak your biomes significantly? Let us know in the comments below.


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