Resident Evil 4 Remake Charms: How to Get & Use

In the Resident Evil 4 Remake a new gameplay mechanic was introduced with the charms. These charms are little trinkets you can attach to your storage case to gain passive buffs and other benefits.

In this guide, I will showcase how to gain these charms, a complete list of the charms, and how to use them, in Resident Evil 4 Remake. This way you can be informed going into the game, and ready to face any challenges.

Completing target shooting challenges in the shooting range rewards you with bronze, silver, or gold tokens, but you’ll only be able to use certain weapons for each challenge.

Once you’ve got your tokens, take them back to the prize vending machine near the entrance and insert them to roll a random charm.

When you’ve got the charms you want, you can equip up to three of them to your attache case at the typewriter, which provides you with their benefits. 

Keep trying different combinations that suit your playstyle, or create a new one to either challenge yourself or try something you never thought of before.

For a less intense experience, that still has fantasy elements, check out our guide on where to find Topi’s notebook, in Sun Haven.

Resident Evil 4 Remake How to Get Charms


Once you reach Chapter 3, you will be able to access the merchant’s first big shop near the lake. You’ll have to pass through the Quarry and then you’ll arrive at his store. Take the elevator just to the right of the merchant to head down into the range itself.

Completing target shooting challenges in the shooting range rewards you with bronze, silver, or gold tokens, but you’ll only be able to use certain weapons for each challenge.

If you want the highest score⁠, or to shoot every skull symbol for an extra gold token⁠, you need to unlock the bonus round by completing the extra conditions. You can retry old challenges, so don’t worry about getting perfect scores on your first try.

Once you’ve got your tokens, take them back to the prize vending machine near the entrance and insert them to roll a random charm. You have a better chance to score a rarer charm if you insert three gold tokens, but you can also mix and match the token types.

When you meet the merchant in chapter 11, you’ll be able to purchase gold tokens for three spinels each, though since that currency is limited and very valuable, I’d advise against buying too many of them. 

This was the location to look out for, when it comes to how to get charms in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

Resident Evil 4 Remake Charm List


Overall there are 30 charms to be won in the merchant’s shooting range and gained via the vending machine. Players that pre-ordered the game, will gain charms and attache cases as pre-order bonuses.

  • Standard edition players will get one charm, and one attache case.
  • Deluxe edition players will get two charms and two attache cases.

Here is a complete list of the charms you can gain at the shooting range vending machine.

Legendary Charms

  • Cute Bear: -1 gunpowder used when crafting.
  • Striker: +8% running speed.

Epic Charms

  • Ashley Graham: +50% health recovery for green herbs.
  • Illuminados Emblem: +20% melee critical hit rate.
  • Merchant: 5% off weapon upgrades.
  • Rhinoceros Beetle: +100% recovery item resale value.

Rare Charms

  • Ada Wong: 30% off body armor repairs.
  • Black Bass: +100% health recovery for black bass.
  • Chicken: +100% health recovery for all egg types.
  • J.J.: 30% off knife repairs.
  • Leon w/ Handgun: 30% off knife repairs.
  • Leon w/ Rocket Launcher: 20% off the rocket launcher.
  • Leon w/ Shotgun: +40% ammo resale value.
  • Luis Sera: +20% weapon resale value.

Common Charms

  • Don Diego (common): +15% rifle ammo craft bonus frequency.
  • Don Jose (common): +15% handgun ammo craft bonus frequency.
  • Don Esteban (common): +15% shotgun shells craft bonus frequency.
  • Don Manuel: +15% submachine gun ammo craft bonus frequency.
  • Don Pedro (common): +40% health recovery for vipers.
  • Dr. Salvador (common): +20% rifle ammo craft bonus frequency.
  • Isabel: +30% health recovery for vipers.
  • Maria: +15% magnum ammo craft bonus frequency.
  • Leader Zealot (common): +10% health bonus recovery from green herbs.
  • Zealot w/ Scythe (common): +20% submachine gun ammo craft bonus frequency.
  • Zealot w/ Bowgun (common): +20% bolts craft bonus frequency.
  • Zealot w/ Shield (common): +20% shotgun ammo craft bonus frequency.
  • Zealot w/ Scythe: +20% submachine gun ammo craft bonus frequency.
  • Soldier w/ Dynamite (common): +30% craftable mines attach bonus frequency.
  • Soldier w/ Hammer (common): +20% handgun ammo craft bonus frequency.
  • Soldier w/ Stun Rod: +15% bolts craft bonus frequency.
  • Bella Sisters: +20% magnum ammo craft bonus frequency.

It’s worth noting that you can’t use saves to reroll your charms. For example, if you roll three sets of three gold tokens, load a save, and roll again, you’ll always get the same three charms you did previously.

You can also roll charms you already have, but sadly you can’t stack them to double their effect⁠⁠, so your only choice would be to sell them back to the merchant for a little bit of money. 


In conclusion, this was all the information players will need on how to get and use charms, in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

With such a wide selection and a little bit of luck, players will be able to create a bunch of different ways to play the game and also have fun in repeat playthroughs.

if you are interested in trying something different and are open to new experiences, check out our guide on the best divine beast, in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty.

Let us know in the comments down below if you were lucky enough to have found any legendary charms so far, and what are your favorite combinations to try.


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