Big Ambitions: List of Cars in the Game (with Capacity and Auto Park Support)

Choosing the right car is important in Big Ambitions as it will allow you to get where you want faster, carry more cargo, and even auto-park to save you time.

However, there are 15 different cars in the game, and players are having trouble finding the best one.

To help with this decision, in this guide, I will list all cars in Big Ambitions and showcase all of their features including cargo and tank capacity, auto park support, and price.

All Cars in Big Ambitions

All cars list in Big Ambitions.
Driving in Big Ambitions.

There are 15 cars in Big Ambition, each with different overall stats. Ranging from $2,500 all the way up to $720,000, there are many options to choose from. One of the most helpful features in a car is auto park support, which is why I’ll start this list with cars that include it.

Cars with Auto Park Support

All these cars include the auto park support feature, which is extremely helpful in Big Ambitions.

CarCargo CapacityFuel CapacityMax SpeedPrice
UMC Nunavut1811050$65,000
Mersaidi S50088070$95,000
Mersaidi MGA GT56670$220,000
Anselmo AF9036880$520,000
Petrolls Fannton88070$720,000

All Other Cars

Each car on this list does not include auto park support.

CarCargo CapacityFuel CapacityMax SpeedPrice
Honza Mimic85545$2,500
UMC Desert2014050$6,000
Vord Tiara VIC127245$11,000
Missam Villian126550$22,000
Vord V1502011850$44,000
Bima 320 (Luxury)105750$48,000
Ferdinard 112 (Luxury)37770$130,000
Vord Pony (Luxury)57270$187,000
UMC Dessert (Truck)2014050$6,000
Feight Truck T1 (Truck)6037845$98,000

Best Car to Get in Big Ambitions

Best car in Big Ambitions.
Best car in Big Ambitions.

The best car in Big Ambitions is the UMC Nunavut. It has the auto park feature, as well as the largest tank and cargo capacity of all auto-park cars. Additionally, it is the cheapest of all auto-park cars.

The only disadvantage is that it can’t go faster than 50mph, but this isn’t a big setback compared to what you’re getting.

All other cars are situational. The fastest car overall is the Anselmo AF90 and the one with the largest cargo is the Freight Truck.

If you’re interested in a specific car but don’t have enough money to get it yet, consider checking out our guide on the best tips for making money in Big Ambitions.

Wrapping up

To sum up this list, these are all the cars in Big Ambitions, as well as their features. Based on those, I have also recommended the best car to go for in the game.

Now that you’ve decided on a car, make sure to also check out our guide on how to repair your car. It’s essential to keep your car in good condition since it costs extra to fix it if it breaks down.

Which car did you get? Are you planning to buy the most expensive one when you have the money to spare? Let us know in the comments below.


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