Hogwarts Legacy: How to Get Edurus Potion (and How to Use)

During one of Professor Sharp’s assignments, players will have to make an Edurus potion and use it simultaneously with a Maxima potion.

To make an Edurus potion, players will need access to a brewing cauldron, as well as some Ashwinder Eggs and Mongrel Fur.

The best way for players to have their brewing cauldron is by unlocking the Room of Requirement and placing one there.

In this guide, I will explain how to get an Edurus potion and its required ingredients in Hogwarts Legacy, as well as how to use it simultaneously with a Maxima potion.

How to Get Edurus Potion in Hogwarts Legacy

How to brew an edurus potion in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to brew an Edurus potion in Hogwarts Legacy.

The first step for getting any potion is having access to a brewing cauldron. While players can have their cauldron at the Room of Requirement, it is possible to brew potions before unlocking this room.

Specifically, players can use the cauldron in the potions class. To fast travel there, open the World Map, select Hogwarts Map, navigate to the Astronomy Wing tab, and then select Potions Classroom.

Navigate to the back left side to access your cauldron, which you can use at any time to brew potions.

To get an Edurus potion, you will need to bring 1x Ashwinder Egg and 1x Mongrel Fur to the potion station. Ashwinder eggs can be found near cliffs all around the map, while Mongrel Fur requires defeating Mongrels at the Mongrel Den location.

Alternatively, players can buy both ingredients at the J. Pippins Potion store. They can even buy the potion directly from J. Pippins for 300 coins, which will count toward the quest progression.

However, coins are fairly important and players will need them in the future for recipes or brewing stations, so it’s better to save them for now by choosing to collect the ingredients and craft the potion.

How to Use a Maxima and Edurus Potion Simultaneously in Hogwarts Legacy

Navigating the potions classroom in Hogwarts Legacy.
Navigating the potions classroom in Hogwarts Legacy.

After acquiring an Edurus potion, follow the same process to craft the Maxima potion and have them both in your inventory. To use them simultaneously, players will have to use one potion, and then drink the second one while the first is still active.

Here’s how to do that:

  1. Hold the L1 button to access the tool wheel menu.
  2. Equip one of the two potions by hovering over it and releasing L1.
  3. Drink it by tapping the L1 button.
  4. Hold L1 to access the tools again and navigate to the other potion.
  5. Tap L1 to drink it.
  6. If done correctly, you’ll have completed Professor Sharp’s request.

One useful tip is to drink the Maxima potion first, and then the Edurus. This is because the Maxima potion lasts for 30 seconds, while the Edurus for 20.

As for their effects, the Maxima potion increases the user’s spell damage for 30 seconds, while the Edurus potion increases defense for 20 seconds.

Wrapping up

To summarize, that’s everything you need to know on how to craft and use an Edurus potion in Hogwarts Legacy.

For more ingredients, consider checking out our guide on how to defeat trolls easily and get troll bogeys.

Do you use potions during combat in the game? What’s your favorite potion? Let us know in the comments below.


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