Hogwarts Legacy: How to Defeat Trolls Easily

Trolls are some of the toughest and most challenging enemies you’ll be called to face in Hogwarts Legacy.

Other than the forced story encounters, players will also have to hunt for trolls if they want to get their hands on Troll Bogeys.

The best tips for defeating trolls involve dodging to make them hit a wall and using ancient magic whenever available.

Also, consider coming prepared for the fight by checking out our guide on how to level up quickly in the game.

In this guide, I will explain how to find trolls in Hogwarts Legacy and showcase the best tips to defeat them easily.

How to Find Trolls in Hogwarts Legacy

Find troll lairs in the world map to find trolls in Hogwarts Legacy.
Find troll lairs in the world map to find trolls in Hogwarts Legacy.

There are multiple troll locations in Hogwarts Legacy. They can be found in troll lairs, which are symbolized by a cave symbol on the world map.

If you’ve explored around the map, even if it’s only on your broom, you’ll have some troll lairs marked.

There are multiple troll lair locations around the map. Here are some of their locations:

  • Feldcroft – All around the Feldcroft region of the map.
  • South Sea Bog – Near the Northern South Sea Bog Floo Flame.
  • Poidsear Castle – Near the Poidsear Coast location.
  • Hogwarts Valley – On the southwest side of the valley.

Additionally, trolls can be found while progressing through the main story. For instance, during the player’s first visit to Hogsmeade, they will have to face a troll.

How to Defeat Trolls in Hogwarts Legacy

Dodge when the troll charges a red attack (unblockable) in Hogwarts Legacy.
Dodge when the troll charges a red attack (unblockable) in Hogwarts Legacy.

To defeat trolls, the first step is understanding which type of troll you’re dealing with. Specifically, there are three types of trolls in the game:

  1. River Trolls – They can be found around rivers. River trolls are the easiest to defeat since all of their attacks can be blocked with Protego. Block at the right time to use Stupefy and spam the troll with offensive spells while it’s exposed.
  2. Mountain Trolls – They can be found around mountains. The mountain trolls have a 3-combo attack pattern, with the first two attacks being unblockable. Dodge the first two attacks and block the third to easily take down this troll.
  3. Armoured Trolls – They have no specific locations but work similarly to mountain trolls. Dodge the first two attacks while blocking the third to take them down. An extra tip is to stay near a wall and dodge away while they charge at you. This will make the troll hit a wall and get momentarily stunned.

After stunning them with Stupefy or by making them hit a wall, make sure to use your Ancient Magic charges to take them down even in one hit.

And that’s all! After understanding each troll type and its attacks you’ll be able to take them down easily and collect as many troll bogeys as you need.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, to defeat trolls easily in Hogwarts Legacy, players will have to find them by traveling to troll lairs and then dodge and block their attacks to stun them. While they are stunned, they should use ancient magic to take them down.

Also, if you’re trying to explore everything in the game, make sure to check out our guide on how to not miss any quests in the game. Some can easily be missed if players aren’t attentive to detail.

How many troll bogeys do you need? What are your trying to craft or brew? Let us know in the comments below.


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