Brotato: Best Weapon in the Game

Brotato includes a variety of weapons to choose from. Specifically, there are 26 different melee weapons, and 19 ranged ones.

Since each weapon has varying stats and effects, some of them are extremely useful, while others are situational or fairly weak.

Keep in mind that most weapons are unlocked by default, while some require winning a run with a specific character to get them.

Also, before trying to unlock all weapons, consider checking out our guide on how to unlock all characters in Brotato.

In this guide, I will list the best weapons in Brotato and explain how to use them to easily win runs.

Best Weapons in Brotato

Some weapons manage to stand out in Brotato primarily due to being extremely strong on almost every character.

Keep in mind that these weapons are ordered randomly since they can be equally strong with the right perks and characters.

1. Double Barrel Shotgun

Clearing enemies with the double-barrel shotgun in Brotato.

The double-barrel shotgun is a simple and extremely efficient weapon. It can deal significantly high damage, especially from close range, which makes it the optimal choice for taking down bosses.

In addition, the bullet spread helps take down grouped enemies.

The most important element is that the shotgun has piercing damage. Specifically, it can pierce up to 3 enemies in Tier 4, which makes a huge difference when fighting hordes.

2. Flamethrower

Clearing enemies with the flamethrower in Brotato.

The flamethrower is a great AoE damage weapon that makes clearing grouped enemies extremely easy.

This is because it offers pierce damage and can tag every monster without issue.

The best part of the flamethrower is that it can deal significant damage early on, with only a few points allocated in elemental damage.

As a gun that doesn’t require a big investment, offers piece damage, and takes down grouped enemies with ease, the flamethrower is one of the best weapons in Brotato.

3. Minigun

Clearing enemies with the minigun in Brotato.

The SMG is one of the best weapons in Brotato and the Minigun is a direct upgrade to it.

While harder to get, the minigun combines a high rate of fire, solid damage, piercing, and knockback.

As a jack-of-all-trades, the minigun is one of the best weapons in Brotato by far.

4. Spear

Clearing enemies with multiple spears in Brotato.

The spear is considered one of the best early-game weapons in Brotato. Despite being a melee weapon, it has great range and allows players to attack enemies from a safe distance.

In addition, it’s in the primitive category, which makes it easy to upgrade in the early game.

While it will be replaced by a stronger weapon later on, its power during the first few waves makes it a prime starting choice.

5. Ghost Flint

Clearing enemies with the multiple ghost flints in Brotato.

The Ghost Flint is an amazing late-game weapon due to its insane scaling capabilities.

While it’s an ethereal weapon and shines with characters like Ghost, it can be used and still be extremely strong by almost everyone.

Its effect is to gain 1% attack speed until the end of the wave after killing a certain number of enemies. For the later waves, this is almost overpowered, since players will be killing a large number of common enemies.

This way, the attack speed stat will ramp up quickly and make its wielder an unstoppable force.


To sum up, these are the best weapons in Brotato at the moment. Of course, more weapons can reach similar levels of damage but require very specific builds.

Each weapon listed can become extremely strong easily, without requiring limiting yourself to specific characters or items.

If you enjoyed reading this article, consider checking out our guide on the best one-armed build in Brotato.

What’s your favorite weapon so far in the game? Which weapon would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below.


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