Gotham Knights: How to Get All AP (Ability Points)

There are 47 ability points total in Gotham Knights and getting all of them is the only way to complete all available skill trees.

However, even if you have completed the game’s story and reached max level, you still might be missing a few ability points and it’s not clear how to get them.

Also, having all ability points is essential for creating some of the best builds in the game. For instance, in my guide on the best build for Batgirl, I highly recommend unlocking all skill trees for her, since everything benefits her kit greatly.

In this guide, I will explain how to unlock all 47 ability points in Gotham Knights.

Complete the Main Story and Start New Game+

After completing the main story, start new game+ from the main menu.

The majority of ability points in Gotham Knights are gained in a straightforward way. Start by playing the game’s main story with your favorite character. When completed, you’ll be level 30.

Now, from the main menu, players will be able to start New Game+. This allows them to earn extra ability points and raises the level cap to 40.

While this means going through the story and campaign again, enemies will be far stronger but players will also maintain their skills and gear.

Since each level awards one ability point, at level 40 you will be missing 7 points to reach the max.

Complete Characters’ Stories

Each character has some extra storyline missions available which, if completed, will award one ability point. These can be tracked through the map and their icons vary on the character.

Batgirl’s character story mark in Gotham Knights.

For Batgirl, these have a yellow mark, for Robin a green one, for Red Hood a red mark, and for Nightwing, it will be blue.

Unlock Talon Caches

There are about 5 Talon caches to be found around the map. Collecting all of them awards an ability point. In addition, collecting these also awards the Talon Suit Transmon, which is a cool outfit.

Gather Collectibles

For the next three ability points, check your collectibles tab. From there, you’ll want to collect three sets of collectibles.

  • Batarangs
  • Street Art
  • Landmarks

Collecting all three sets will award three ability points total, which should put you at 45; only 2 away from the max.

Complete All Training Missions

How to access the Belfry training area in Gotham Knights.

After reaching level 40, travel to the Belfry and go to the training area. There will be new training missions available that you haven’t completed.

Fishing all training missions will award an extra ability point.

Gotham’s Most Wanted Challenges

Gotham’s most wanted challenges in Gotham Knights.

The last ability point is the hardest to get since it requires completing Gotham’s most wanted challenges. Specifically, from the Challenges tab, find the Gotham’s Most Wanted option.

There, make sure you’ve completed every single challenge. If it hasn’t been completed, while hovering over it, it will say 0/1 on the bottom right. If it doesn’t say anything, then it’s completed.

These challenges include 32 enemies in total. While it will only show 10 at first, after completing the first few ones, more will be added to the list.


To sum up, this is how to get every ability point in Gotham Knights. There’s 47 ability points total, and the first 40 are gained simply by leveling in New Game+.

Then, for the remaining 7, complete every side story, challenge, or collectible in the game to unlock everything.

With everything now unlocked, you’re a true completionist. With all the new ability points, perhaps you’d be interested in trying your strength with the best Nightwing build in the game.

Which character are you trying to max out? With all ability points collected, what’s your next goal in Gotham Knights? Let us know in the comments below.


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