How to Install Mods in Coral Island [Answered]

For players who have already experienced most of what Coral Island has to offer, or who simply wish to add a unique twist to their gameplay, mods are a great option.

If you’re unsure if you’ve explored everything, consider checking some of our latest guides. For instance, one of the end-game goals at the moment is unlocking the stable and getting a horse.

Thankfully there are more than a few modding options for Coral Island. To install mods, players will need an external program.

In this guide, I will explain how to install mods in Coral Island and showcase how to use them.

How to Install WeMod

Modding in Coral Island is done via third-party software. In this case, I recommend using WeMod. It is an application that allows players to install various mods in single-player games and supports Coral Island.

To install it, simply visit WeMod’s website and select ‘Download’. Then, run the executable file and WeMod should be ready to use. The software automatically detects any games on your desktop and lists all the ones that have cheats available.

WeMod cover features.

All you have to do then is open your favorite game that has cheats available and use WeMod to try some new stuff.

Also, if you’re not a fan of the desktop app, or simply don’t want to Alt+Tab while playing, you can also use the mobile app and enable everything from there.

With WeMod installed, let’s see all the modding options available for Coral Island.

Of course, there are more programs available that allow players to install mods, and each software offers different mods. You are free to experiment with any software you find since WeMod isn’t the only option out there.

All Mods Available for Coral Island

At the moment, WeMod offers limited options in terms of mods. However, that is bound to change in the future, especially when new content is introduced for Coral Island.

WeMod modding console in Coral Island.

For now, here are all the modding options available:

  • God Mode & Unlimited Stamina -> Allows players to have infinite stamina while also being unable to take damage from monsters.
  • Unlimited Stamina -> Unlimited stamina but players can take damage.
  • Items Never Decrease -> As long as you’ve got 1 copy of an item, it counts as infinite copies since quantity doesn’t decrease.
  • Close Item on Removal -> Similar to the above one, if you throw or use an item, you get a copy back.
  • Unlimited Watering -> No need to refill that watering can anymore.
  • Unlimited Money -> Go buy everything!
  • Edit Money -> Add only some extra money, to buy a specific upgrade without cheating too much.
  • Game Speed -> If you want the days to progress at a faster or slower rate, alter this.
  • Multiply Move Speed -> If fast traveling and horses aren’t enough, increase your movement speed to get anywhere within seconds.

With these options, you can cheat as much or as little as you please in Coral Island and have fun.


To sum up, this is how to install mods in Coral Island. Find software that allows installing mods (in this case, I recommend WeMod), launch Coral Island, and open the software’s menu to enable and disable mods at will.

Also, if you’re adding mods just for extra money, consider checking our guide on the most profitable summer crops in Coral Island. It feels more rewarding doing it the legit way!

Do you have any other favorite software for installing mods that supports Coral Island? Which other mods would you like added to the list? Let us know in the comments below.


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