Yet Another Zombie Survivors: Best SWAT Build

The SWAT is the first character in Yet Another Zombie Survivors and shines due to his all-around kit that combines AoE damage, long-range and rapid-fire attacks, as well as solid damage.

Focus on getting the Assault Rifle early and then spend a few points on each of his abilities to deal great AoE damage.

In this guide, I will showcase the best SWAT build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors focused on his best abilities to level up, the best weapon to choose, and the best teammates for this character.

For a more general overview of characters, check out our character tier list in YAZS.

SWAT Abilities Explained in Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Best SWAT Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best SWAT abilities.

The SWAT comes with three abilities in YAZS:

  • Helicopter Strike – Summons a helicopter that shoots all enemies in its path (leveling up reduces cooldown).
  • Grenade Trail – Throws grenades opposite of you that explode and deal AoE damage (leveling up increases the number of grenades and reduces cooldown).
  • Automatic Turret – Summons a stationary auto-turret that deals damage (leveling up reduces cooldown).

Overall, the best SWAT ability is the Helicopter Strike as it allows you to clear a path from enemies and works as a get-out-of-jail card if you end up pinned in a corner.

Alternatively, the Automatic Turret is a great option for Endless Mode to help you hold down an area. However, you shouldn’t use it in Hardcore Mode as you need to keep moving constantly to avoid getting swarmed.

Lastly, the Grenade Trail isn’t worth upgrading after the first level as it deals low damage and its AoE is fairly small.

Best SWAT Weapon

Best SWAT Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best SWAT weapon.

The SWAT has four weapons available in YAZS:

  • Pistol – Classic pistol with solid damage and rate of fire.
  • SMG – High fire rate but comes with a low magazine.
  • Assault Rifle – High fire rate, high damage, long-range weapon that’s ideal for every scenario.
  • Sniper Rifle – Extremely high damage and long-range but slow fire rate. The Sniper Rifle is useful for bosses.

The Pistol and SMG weapons are useful but only for the early game. Due to that, for the best SWAT build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors, I recommend upgrading to the Assault Rifle as soon as possible. Level up all abilities once and then focus only on the weapon.

Best SWAT Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best SWAT weapon.

The Assault Rifle is the best SWAT weapon in the game since it can do almost anything. While it doesn’t deal AoE damage, its high base damage and fire rate make it a must-have weapon.

The Sniper Rifle has a low fire rate and will make it extremely hard to clear hordes of enemies, so I don’t recommend using it.

Best SWAT Team in Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Best SWAT Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best SWAT team.

The best SWAT team in Yet Another Zombie Survivors involves pairing the SWAT with the Engineer and the Huntress.

The Huntress’ Eagle Eye will help the SWAT deal Critical Hits more often, while the Engineer will provide some much-needed AoE damage with his Electric Shield and Electrocution skills.

Also, the Huntress’ Zombie Decoy will help keep zombies off you every few seconds.

For more details on these characters, check out our other guides on the best build for the Huntress and the best build for the Engineer.

Wrapping up the Best SWAT Build

To sum up, this is the best SWAT build in YAZS. Upgrade the Assault Rifle as soon as possible and spend a few early points on the Helicopter Strike and the Automatic Turret to help you deal with hordes.

Level up the Grenade Trail at the end, or skip it completely if you have other characters to level up.

Do you think that the SWAT is the best character in the game? What’s your favorite SWAT squad so far for the Hardcore and Endless modes? Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments below.


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