Super Mega Baseball 4: Best Traits in the Game

There are 75 Traits in Super Mega Baseball 4, including positive and negative ones. While they can improve a team’s performance significantly, the vast number of Traits has left many players confused regarding the best ones.

Overall, the best Traits in SMB 4 manage to stand out due to providing incredible buffs to your individual players’ stats and performance.

In this guide, I will list the ten best Traits in Super Mega Baseball 4 to help you decide which ones to prioritize when choosing your team.

Combine this with our guide on the five best legends in SMB 4 to make sure you’ve got the best team possible.

Best Traits in Super Mega Baseball 4

Without further delay, here are the 10 best Traits in Super Mega Baseball 4:

10. Workhorse

Workhorse is one of the best Traits in Super Mega Baseball 4.

This is an ideal Trait for Pitchers as it will make Stamina decrease at a 15/20/30% slower rate.

The best part about this Trait is that even on level 1, its benefits are obvious. Thus, you don’t need to focus on Team Synergy as much.

9. Magic Hands

Magic Hands is an ideal defensive perk that decreases the player’s chance of a missed catch when jumping, diving, or sliding by 12.5/25/50%.

Even at lower levels, this perk can help make your defense more consistent.

8. Rally Stopper

Rally Stopper is one of the best Traits in Super Mega Baseball 4.

Rally Stopper increases Velocity, Junk, and Accuracy by 5/10/20 when pitching with at least two runners on base.

As long as you can meet the conditions, the buffs are exceptional and any pitcher in the game can benefit from them.

7. Dive Wizard

Dive Wizard increases the player’s animation recovery from diving catches. The higher the level of this Trait, the shorter the recovery time.

This is ideal for the Shortstop or Second Baseman roles as they’ll need to dive often.

6. First Pitch Slayer

First Pitch Slayer is one of the best Traits in Super Mega Baseball 4.

First Pitch Slayer is a great offensive Trait that increases Power by 5/10/20 and Contact by 8/15/30 while the count is 0-0.

With this Trait, your team will have increased chances of scoring a run first and thus building momentum.

5. K Collector

K Collector is one of the best Traits in Super Mega Baseball 4 for Pitchers. It increases Velocity and Junk by 8/15/30 when pitching with a 2-strike count.

This will make your pitch much faster and add more curve to it to help beat the enemy batter.

4. Distractor

Distractor is one of the best Traits in Super Mega Baseball 4.

While the player is on 1B or 2B and the next base is open, Distractor will cause the opposing Pitcher to lose 10/20/40 Accuracy.

At max level, the 40 Accuracy reduction is insanely strong and can single-handedly help you win a game.

3. Rally Starter

Rally Starter is a great offensive Trait that increases Contact by 12/25/50 when trailing and batting with the bases empty.

With Rally Starter, you’ll be able to increase your overall chances of hitting the ball. Pair this with a player with a high Power stat to hit the ball hard consistently.

2. Sign Stealer

Sign Stealer is one of the best Traits in Super Mega Baseball 4.

Sign Stealer offers the player a 5/10/20% chance to receive an audio and visual cue of whether a fastball or off-speed pitch is coming.

This makes it easier to counter certain strategies and you’ll catch the opponent off-guard by being ready.

1. Bad Ball Hitter

The best Trait in Super Mega Baseball 4 is Bad Ball Hitter. With this perk, the player has a reduced batted ball speed penalty during contact with pitches on the corners or outside of the strike zone.

If the description doesn’t convince you, try using it and you’ll be surprised by how far the ball goes whenever you hit it.

Wrapping up the Best Traits in SMB 4

In conclusion, these are the ten best Traits in Super Mega Baseball 4. They stand out due to their amazing effects, especially at level 3.

With the right Team Synergy stats, you’ll be able to create a phenomenally strong team and outperform any opponents.

What’s your favorite Trait in the game? Do you agree with this tier list? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Before leaving, consider checking out our pitching guide for Super Mega Baseball 4 to ensure your pitchers are playing to their maximum potential.


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