Super Mega Baseball 4: Best Legends in the Game

Super Mega Baseball 4 has 242 unique legends, each with varying stats and Traits.

However, not everyone performs on the same level and some manage to stand out as the best legends overall.

In this guide, I will list the five best legends in Super Mega Baseball 4 to help you select the best players for your team.

Keep in mind that this list won’t include any of the content creator players.

While choosing the best legends is helpful, it won’t help much if you don’t know the game’s core mechanics. To ensure you’re starting on the right foot, check out our SMB 4 pitching guide.

Best Legends in SMB 4

Best legends in Super Mega Baseball 4.

The legends that stand out manage to do so primarily due to their high base stats and amazing Traits. Without further delay, here are the best legends in SMB 4:

5. Nolan Ryan

Nolan Ryan shines as an A Tier legend in SMB 4 due to his 99 Velocity and 98 Junk stats. He is an amazing pitcher with these stats and his Traits make him even better.

“K Collector” gives him 8/15/30 Velocity and Junk when pitching with a 2-strike court, while “Elite 4F” provides increased pitch speed when pitching a 4-Seam Fastball.

Combine everything together and Nolan Ryan’s throws can be some of the hardest balls to catch in the game.

4. Mike Schmidt

Best legends in Super Mega Baseball 4.

Mike Schmidt is an A Tier legend with 96 Power, 98 Field, 96 Arm, and 79 Speed. While he only has 54 Contact, his other stats make up for it.

Additionally, he has the “Magic Hands” Trait, which reduces the chance of a missed catch when jumping, sliding, or jumping by 12.5/25/50%. Combined with his high stats, Mike will be able to catch almost every ball with ease.

Lastly, his second Trait is “Clutch”, which makes him even better when the Pressure is high or extreme.

3. Hank Aaron

With an overall rank of A+, Hank Aaron shines due to his 99 Power, 98 Contact, and 87 Arm stats. While his Speed is on the lower side, it doesn’t matter as you’ll be hitting the ball out of the field most of the time.

Additionally, he features the “POW vs LHP” Trait, which increases his power by 10 when batting against a left-handed player.

2. Babe Ruth

Best legends in Super Mega Baseball 4.

Babe Ruth is an S Tier legend due to his versatility. He is a great pitcher and an even better hitter.

As a pitcher, he has 67 Velocity, 58 Accuracy, and 86 Junk. While he’s not the strongest pitcher, his high Junk stat will allow him to throw some tricky curve balls.

As a hitter, Babe Ruth shines due to his 99 Power and 96 Contact. In terms of Traits, his “Two Way” Trait reduces his fielding penalty by 50/75/100% while in the outfield, while his Volatile Trait makes his Mojo change at a 12.5/25/50% faster rate from play to play and game to game.

With Volatile, he can easily go from Neutral to On-Fire and even Jacked, which will make his pitches even better.

1. Randy Johnson

Randy Johnson is the best left-handed pitcher in SMB 4 and the best legend overall.

With an S rank, Randy features 98 Velocity, 86 Junk, and 74 Accuracy. On top of the already high velocity, he comes with the Trait “K Collector” which increases Velocity and Junk by 8/15/30 when pitching with a 2-strike court.

This way, he manages to throw the ball with immense power and curve, which makes it extremely challenging for the batter to hit it properly.

Wrapping up

To sum up, these are the five best legends in Super Mega Baseball 4.

They all manage to stand out due to their amazing combination of stats and Traits.

Who is your favorite legend in the game? Do you agree with this tier list? Feel free to share your recommendations in the comments below.

Before leaving, consider checking out our Super Mega Baseball 4 best Traits guide.


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