Sun Haven: Where to Get Sugar

Sugar is a cooking ingredient in Sun Haven that is used in making various useful dishes such as Apple Pie and all types of Jam.

To get Sugar, players will need to either visit the General Store and buy it from there, or farm and harvest Sugar Cane and convert it to Sugar via the Baker’s Station.

In this guide, I will explain how to get Sugar and Sugar Cane in Sun Haven and showcase where to use Sugar.

Where to Get Sugar in Sun Haven

Where to get Sugar in Sun Haven.

To get started, players can purchase Sugar from the General Store Bakery. Each unit of Sugar costs 110 coins.

If you’re low on coins, consider checking out our guide on how to make money fast in the game.

For a cheaper alternative, to get Sugar in Sun Haven, players will need to craft a Baker’s Station and plant Sugar Cane Seeds on their farm.

The Baker’s Station can be made via the Crafting Table and requires the following ingredients:

  • 10x Wooden Plank
  • 20x Stone
  • 2x Sugar

Then, players can place one Sugar Cane inside and within two in-game hours, it will convert to one Sugar.

However, building the Baker’s Station requires two units of Sugar, so you’ll have to buy these two from the General Store Bakery to get started.

Where to Get Sugar Cane in Sun Haven

Sugar Cane Seeds can be bought from the General Store in Sun Haven and is an all-season crop.

Due to that, I always recommend planting some Sugar Cane, as Sugar is a valuable item overall, and buying it directly from the store is too expensive.

But why do you need sugar? Let’s see.

Where to Use Sugar in Sun Haven

How to make Jam in Sun Haven.
How to make Jam in Sun Haven.

Sugar is used to cook certain dishes in Sun Haven. Specifically, players can make the following items:

DishIngredientsBuffHow to Get
Cookies1x Sugar
1x Flour
1x Egg
Permanent Small Attack Boost
+15 Health
+10 Mana
Cooking Pot, Bakery
Apple Pie1x Sugar
1x Flour
1x Apple
Permanent Moderate Mana Boost
+30 Health
+15 Mana
Cooking Pot
Cheesecake2x Sugar
1x Milk
1x Cheese
Permanent Small Spell Damage Boost
+135 Mana
Cooking Pot
Jam (Any Type)1x Sugar
10-50x Mana
5x Fruit
EXP in a certain skill category, based on jam madeJam Maker

For more details on how to make jam, check out the video below:

Video by Rosealyn on YouTube.

Overall, Sugar is a key ingredient in cooking if you want to get certain permanent buffs. Additionally, making jam is one of the best ways to easily level up skill EXP.

Wrapping up

To sum up this Sun Haven guide, players can either buy Sugar directly from the General Store, or farm Sugar Cane on their farm and use the Baker’s Station to turn it into Sugar.

If you’re focused on farming, make sure to not farm only Sugar Cane but also some of the best and most profitable crops in the game.

What do you need Sugar for? Which Jam are you planning to make? Let us know in the comments below.


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