Sun Haven: Where to Find Rex’s Cap

In one of Sun Haven’s early-game quests, Rex will task players will finding his Mining Cap. This will begin the “Rex’s Mining Cap” quest.

As a hint, Rex will mention that he lost it somewhere in the mines. Thankfully, the cap is easy to find as it’s located on the fifth floor of the mines.

In this guide, I will explain where to find Rex’s Cap in Sun Haven, where to find Rex to complete the quest, and what rewards to expect.

For more early-game quest guides, consider checking out how to find Topi’s Notebook.

Where to Find Rex’s Mining Cap in Sun Haven

Rex's Mining Cap can be found on Floor 5 of the mines in Sun Haven.
Rex’s Mining Cap can be found on Floor 5 of the mines in Sun Haven.

“Rex’s Mining Cap” is the first quest given to players by Rex after meeting him. To find the cap, players will need to travel to the quarry and enter the mines.

Then, they’ll need to progress through the first five floors. On the fifth floor, right in the middle platform, Rex’s Cap can be spotted on the ground.

Keep in mind that to progress through the mines, you’ll need to find Rusty Keys or craft Copper Keys.

For a more thorough guide on how to progress through the mines all the way down to floor 50, check out our article on how to get Havenite in Sun Haven.

With the hat obtained, all that’s left is to find Rex again and hand it over. Let’s see where to find him.

Where to Find Rex in Sun Haven – Rex’s Schedule

Rex can be found at his market stall daily from 6 AM to 8 PM.
Rex can be found at his market stall daily from 6 AM to 8 PM.

Thankfully, Rex is one of the easiest NPCs to locate in Sun Haven and that’s because he’s a merchant.

He can be found in his market stall just west of the town hall every day, from 6 AM until 8 PM.

After obtaining the hat, go to Rex’s stand as long as it’s not after 8 PM and hand over the quest.

Rex’s Mining Cap Quest Rewards

When completed, Rex’s Mining Cap quest will provide the following rewards:

  • 300 Coins
  • 40 XP
  • A choice between 150 Coins and 20 Exploration XP

It’s a simple quest overall and since you’ll have to progress through the mines sooner or later, why not make some extra coins and XP out of it?

After all, reaching the lower floors of the mines is one of the best ways for making money in Sun Haven.

Wrapping up

To sum up this Sun Haven guide, players can find Rex’s Cap and complete the “Rex’s Mining Cap” quest by navigating to Floor five of the mines and picking it up from the middle platform.

Did you have any trouble trying to find the hat? Did you manage to reach Floor 5 in the mines within a day? Let us know in the comments below.

With this quest completed, consider spending some of your hard-earned money on seeds based on our guide for the best crops during each season in Sun Haven.


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