Sun Haven: Keepsakes Guide

Keepsakes are equippable accessories in Sun Haven that give players passive buffs.

Overall, they are a great way to increase your passive stats. One Keepsake is given to players when starting the game, while the others can be obtained by increasing your friendship level with NPCs.

Don’t forget to check out our guide for more details on how to increase your friendship level and get married in Sun Haven.

In this guide, I will list all Keepsakes in Sun Haven and explain how to unlock them.

All Starting Keepsakes

Talk with Lynn to choose a starting Keepsake in Sun Haven.
Talk with Lynn to choose a starting Keepsake in Sun Haven.

When starting the game and while on the train to Sun Haven, players will be asked what they wish for. Based on their choice, they will receive one of the following keepsakes:

KeepsakeEffectsHow to Get
Adventure Keepsake+2 Attack Damage, +0.1 HP/secWish for adventure
Riches Keepsake+100 Gold per dayWish for riches
Romance Keepsake+1 Romance bonusWish for romance
Peace Keepsake+5% Farming XPWish for peace
Time Keepsake+5% Dodge Chance, +2% Attack SpeedSkip the intro

Keep in mind that you can only get one of these five Keepsakes when starting the game, so make sure to choose carefully.

Best Starting Keepsake in Sun Haven

Overall, the best starting Keepsake in Sun Haven is the Riches Keepsake. During the early game, the extra 100 gold each day will be a significant boost and will allow you to set up your farm earlier than normal.

All NPC Keepsakes

Xyla's Queen Chess Piece Keepsake in Sun Haven.
Xyla’s Queen Chess Piece Keepsake in Sun Haven.
KeepsakeEffectsHow to Get
Anne’s Pearl Earring+10 HP
+7 Gold per craft
+200 Gold per day
Increase friendship with Anne
Lynn’s Shield+10 HP
+5 Defense
+5 Mining Damage
Increase friendship with Lynn
Lucia’s Fire Orb+20 Max Mana
+4 Spell Damage
Increase friendship with Lucia
Nathaniel’s Helmet+40 HP
+15 Defense
Increase friendship with Nathaniel
Wornhardt’s Stethoscope+65% AccuracyIncrease friendship with Wornhardt
Catherine’s Charm+10 HP
+15 Mana
+0.1 Mana Regen
Increase friendship with Catherine
Liam’s Oven Mitts+3 Farming SkillIncrease friendship with Liam
Jun’s Diary+15 HP
+0.1 HP Regen
Increase friendship with Jun
Claude’s House Key+400 Gold per day
+10 HP
Increase friendship with Claude
Kitty’s Cat Toy+10 HP
+5% Attack Speed
+5 Fishing Skill
Increase friendship with Kitty
Vaan’s Ruby Ring+15% Damage ReductionIncrease friendship with Vaan
Iris’ Enchanted Totem+15 Mana
+0.1 Mana Regen
Increase friendship with Iris
Donovan’s Dog Tag+10 HP
+3% Movement Speed
+4 Damage
+12% Jump Distance
Increase friendship with Donovan
Darius’ Royal Heirloom+3 Romance
+8 Damage
+10 Defense
Increase friendship with Darius
Xyla’s Queen Chess Piece+50 HP
+50 Mana
Increase friendship with Xyla

Best NPC Keepsake in Sun Haven

Gift NPCs to increase friendship level and unlock new Keepsakes in Sun Haven.
Gift NPCs to increase friendship level and unlock new Keepsakes in Sun Haven.

Since these Keepsakes are only gained by befriending NPCs, it’s important to decide on the best one and focus on that NPC.

While the final decision depends on your preferred playstyle, the overall best Keepsake in Sun Haven is Claude’s House Key. It offers +10 max HP and an amazing 400 gold each day.

Primarily due to the Gold given, this Keepsake can make a huge difference and help you be more efficient in your playthrough.

Wrapping up

To sum up this Keepsake guide in Sun Haven, now you know all the Keepsakes available in the game, as well as which are the best ones.

Now that you’ve decided on your favorite Keepsake and know which NPC to befriend, consider checking out our in-depth gift guide, including each gift loved by every NPC.

Which NPC are you trying to level up? What’s your favorite Keepsake? Let us know in the comments below.


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