South Park Phone Destroyer Plagued by Connection Issues in PvP

South Park Phone Destroyer is a beautiful game for mobile, but right now its servers seem to be unable to handle the huge number of players. PvP modes are the ones that are plagued with connection issues right now, preventing tens of thousands of players to enjoy the game.

“Poor network connection detected. Please Wait.”

This is the message that you’re seeing – brought to you by Kenny who really deserves to die for this. All while the enemy player sends units and destroys you. This is enraging.

Of course, just like it is in my case, I am sure that in your case it’s not really your network that has problems. It’s their own servers that can’t handle the heavy load and unfortunately it’s you who drew the short stick.

I mean, with numbers like these, I am sure it’s not really my problem now, is it, South Park Phone Destroyer?

How to fix the connection problems in South Park Phone Destroyer?

As I said, this is an error that is most likely caused by the overcrowded servers of the game and there’s not much that you can do. However, if you do think that the problem comes from your side, here is what you should do to increase your chances of getting a better experience in-game and reduce the number of poor network connection errors you receive:

1. If you’re using your mobile internet, switch to WiFi as it is usually faster and more reliable.

2. Make sure that you’re close to your WiFi router and your signal is strong. If not, get closer to it in order to try to fix the connection problems.

3. Turn off all apps that might be using internet (stuff like weather apps, social networking apps or anything else that consumes a bit or more of your bandwidth).

4. Restart your device. This things does wonders always and it’s worth trying.

However, most likely we will all have to wait for a bit for the game’s developers to upgrade their servers and give all players an equal fighting chance.

Until this happens, you can easily switch to playing the single player mode, as poor network connection problems don’t seem to affect it at all. Get better by practicing those moves there and go into battle when the problems are fixed with extra experience and a greater will to win.

You can also get some extra help in battle if you have just started playing South Park Phone Destroyer by checking out some tips and tricks like those shared by Touch, Tap, Play.

But what about you? Are you experiencing connection error problems when trying to go into PvP or not? Did you manage to find a way to fix them or you’re just like us, just waiting for the servers to get more juice and power to handle us all?

Calin Ciabai

5 thoughts on “South Park Phone Destroyer Plagued by Connection Issues in PvP”

  1. Engaging! Not only does it drop me from game but it also causes a lose count. Hope they fix and then wipe everyone or something so we dont come back showing as bad players.

      • I saw a post claiming its the servers, but checking out cheat sites I found out that it is a side affect of cheaters vs normal players when they ramp up their speed boost it will cause lag and disconnections to the normal players. I don’t know about you but this usually happens within the first 10 secs or when I am winning. In the cheat guides it recommends only using when losing and not when you are sure you can win on your own. Also they can open all the lockers to see whats inside first.

  2. This is bull**it.. Ruining a perfectly good game. Hopefully they speak to this soon and show some inprovement. I never came across it till a week or two in the game and now its constant

  3. After all this time the game still seems broken. I can never play PVP due to ‘connection lost’ and my connection is fine for numberous other games. Sucks they push PVP but cannot deliver !


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