Sons of the Forest: How to Get Guarana Berries

Guarana Berries are a type of berry found in Sons of the Forest. Players can collect, eat, and even plant them in their home garden.

To get them, players will need to travel to the south side of the island. There, they can be found in multiple locations so you shouldn’t have any issues finding them.

In this guide, I will explain how to find Guarana Berries in Sons of the Forest by showcasing their exact locations. Also, I’ll explain where to use them and how to farm them.

Also, one of the most important early-game tools is the shovel. If you haven’t found it yet, don’t forget to check out our guide on how to find the shovel, the rebreather, and the rope gun.

How to Get Guarana Berries in Sons of the Forest

To get Guarana Berries in Sons of the Forest, players will need to travel to the south side of the island. These berries are fairly common in the southeast and southwest corners of the map.

Guarana Berries map location in Sons of the Forest. Image source: Sons of the Forest Map - Sons of the Forest Map | Gamer Guides®
Guarana Berries map location in Sons of the Forest. Image source: Sons of the Forest Map – Sons of the Forest Map | Gamer Guides®

To find them, keep an eye out for tall bushes with small, red berries on them. They look different from normal bushes as they are taller and slightly thinner, but the berries can be hard to spot from certain angles.

Where to Use Guarana Berries in Sons of the Forest

How to make planters in Sons of the Forest.
How to make planters in Sons of the Forest.

Now that you’ve located Guarana Berries, let’s see where to use them.

Guarana Berries are safe to eat and they will fill your hunger bar, while also providing you with some temporary energy.

This works similarly to energy bars and energy drinks, so make sure to always have some guarana berries with you while exploring.

Especially if you’re in a cave or roaming around and don’t want to sleep, Guarana Berries are a great way to keep your energy levels up.

This makes Guarana Berries one of the best plants to farm in Sons of the Forest.

How to Get Guarana Berry Seeds and Plant Them

How to plant seeds in Sons of the Forest.
How to plant seeds in Sons of the Forest.

To farm these berries, you’ll first need to get your hands on the necessary seeds.

However, this process is completely random. To get Guarana Berry Seeds, simply keep picking up and eating Guarana Berries.

For every few berries you collect, you’ll also get a seed to plant.

Then, go back to your base, set up some planter boxes, and add the berries there. Now you can keep producing them to ensure you always have a surplus while exploring.

Wrapping up

To summarize this Sons of the Forest guide, players can get Guarana Berries by traveling to the south side of the map. Then, they can plant and eat them to boost their food and energy meters.

While you’re traveling to the south of the map to get these berries, don’t forget to check out our guide on the best base location tips.

What’s your go-to berry for food in the game? Which berries have you planted in your garden? Let us know in the comments below.


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