Palworld Solo Guide – Is It Worth Playing Solo?

This Palworld solo guide will go through why the game is worth playing solo and provide some tips to make the most out of your experience.

In short, Palworld is worth playing solo, as the gameplay and resources are optimized for solo play. Additionally, multiplayer is a bit buggy at the moment, and playing offline is more stable.

Let’s go through everything you need to know in further detail.

Is Palworth Worth Playing Solo?

Palworld Solo Guide - Is it worth playing solo?

The short answer is yes. Palworld is extremely fun to play as a solo, and there are two main reasons for that.

First, multiplayer is a bit laggy, especially if you have a lot of players in the lobby, regardless of whether you’re the host or not. Second, Palworld has a lot of depth, and playing with others and progressing too fast will result in you missing some content.

Multiplayer Bugs & Issues

Starting from the first point, the game is still in early access and occasionally lacks optimization.

While playing co-op, I’ve faced bugs where the other player’s icon (or sometimes the entire player model) completely disappears (even though we’re in the same guild). Restarting fixes the problem, but this occurs way too often, and we have to restart every half an hour.

Additionally, users have reported other multiplayer issues, such as being unable to join the session or inventory bugs. In any case, these are not present in offline gameplay.

Lastly, the more players that you have in a session, the more bugs you’ll end up facing. If you’re interested in hosting a dedicated server in Palworld which allows for more than four players per lobby, expect to see a lot of these bugs.

Solo Progression

As for the second point, the game has an extreme depth of upgrades, resources, materials, and Pals, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

If you’re playing solo, it’s easier to take things on your own time and upgrade everything slowly. This way, you’ll be able to get the full experience of Palworld.

Of course, this won’t be an issue if you’re playing with only one more player in co-op. However, if you’re on a server with 3-4+ people, progression will be faster, and you’ll end up missing some stuff.

Best Solo Tips in Palworld

Palworld Solo Guide - Is it worth playing solo?

If you’ve settled on playing solo, here are some tips to help you get the most out of your experience.

  1. Take things slow – It’s essential not to rush things; unlock new technologies slowly, and don’t upgrade your base unless you’re ready. There’s a lot to do in Palworld!
  2. Make your second base an ore farm – After Palbox level 10, you’ll be able to build a second base. Check out our guide on how to build an infinite ore farm and build your second base there so you won’t have to worry about ingots again.
  3. Use the breeding farm – The breeding farm is unlocked at level 19 in the tech tree and will be your best friend to get rare Pals without having to capture them.
  4. Always pick up eggs – As you’re exploring, you’ll find various eggs lying around. Always pick them up and hatch them since they’re a great way to get XP and rare Pals without having to use your Spheres.
  5. Don’t get greedy with bosses: While farming bosses is the easiest way to progress, make sure you’re a few levels above the boss and have the right Pal types before engaging them. For instance, wait until you’re at least level 15/16 before fighting a level 13 boss.

And that’s all! With these tips, you’ll be able to make the most while playing and won’t have to worry about missing anything as a solo. Also, even if you’re on the hardest difficulty, you won’t have an issue with gameplay progression as long as you take things slow.

Wrapping up

To summarize, Palworld is worth playing solo as you won’t have to deal with all the multiplayer bugs and will be able to enjoy the game and everything it has to offer without worrying about missing anything.

I’d highly recommend playing solo or with just one friend since the bugs are minimal with only one more player. This way, you’ll have the best possible experience.

What do you think about co-op overall? How many players would there be in your ideal lobby? Feel free to share your multiplayer thoughts in the comments below.

Before leaving, if you want to get some of the rarest Pals in the game, here’s how to find a Huge Dragon Egg in Palworld.


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