Palworld Flying Mount Won’t Fly: How to Fix

If your flying mount won’t fly in Palworld, don’t worry. There’s an easy fix to this issue, and here’s what you need to know.

If you’re using any mount other than Nitewing, you’ll need to use Double Jump to fly; a single jump will only make a small hop and won’t fly into the air.

This is one of the weirdest features in the game and has left many players confused, so here’s everything you can do about it.

How to Fix Flying Mount Won’t Fly in Palworld

Palworld flying mount won't fly fix.

In short, if your flying mount won’t fly in Palworld, press double jump, and that’s it! This is true for every flying mount except Nitewing. Thus, if you want to fly with Vanwyrm, simply press double jump, and you’ll lift to the skies.

Of course, you’ll also need to have unlocked and crafted the saddle for the mount you want to use. This is done through the Technology Tree and the Pal Gear workbench.

Palworld flying mount won't fly fix.

While the developers haven’t commented on this, it seems to be a bug rather than a feature. After all, in the controls, the game says you need to press Space to rise, not double Space.

Also, if you’re looking to get your hands on some rare flying mounts, here is our breeding combos and fusion list guide in Palworld.

Wrapping up

To summarize, you can fly with Vanwyrm in Palworld simply by pressing double jump instead of just holding space.

It’s extremely simple and easy but has confused many players since it isn’t mentioned anywhere in the game controls. From what we know so far, this seems to be a bug, so maybe it will get fixed in a future patch.

Did you manage to fly? Are you bothered by this bug or you don’t mind using double jump every time you want to fly? Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback in the comments below.

Before leaving, if you want to learn more about the strongest Pals in the game, check out our Palworld tier list.


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