Palia: Best Gifts for Tamala

Tamala is a romancable NPC in Palia. Here’s everything you need to know about the best gifts for Tamala in Palia.

Tamala is a romanceable Majiri resident of Bahari Bay. Like most NPCs, she follows a set pattern of where you can find her.

She has ten different liked gifts players can give her, two loved gifts, and of course the four weekly wants that vary each week.

If you want to more about romanceable NPCs, and how to win their hearts, check out our full guide on the romance options in Palia.

Palia: Tamala’s Schedule and Romance


Tamala is a mysterious woman who can often be found in the woods, looking for ingredients for her latest tinctures.

Not much is known about her, though most villagers may caution you to stay away.

For the players that want to start a relationship with Tamala, you will need to know her schedule in order to find her, and then start giving her gifts.

Here is Tamala’s schedule depending on what in-game time it is.

8 A.M.Wakes up and makes potions in her house
12 P.M.Walks to the north of Bahari Central Stables
2 P.M.Walks to the west of Flooded Steps
4 P.M.Walks to north of Bahari Central Stables
7 P.M.Stands to the north of Bahari Central Stables
12 A.M.Walks to her house
2 A.M.Making potions in her house
4 A.M.Sleeping

If you know her schedule, you can make your gifting plans around it, and never feel lost or aimlessly waiting to find her.

As you raise your Friendship Level, you choose to go down the Romane route with Tamala.

In order to unlock her romance route, you will need to increase her friendship to level 3 and then gift her a Box of Chocolates.

A Box of Chocolates can be bought for 200 Gold from Zeki’s General Store. This will begin her romance route, which starts from level one.

Palia: Tamala’s Liked and Loved Gifts


Tamala can be given items to increase her friendship, and eventually, her romantic feelings. She can be gifted only one item, and this resets at 9 p.m. PST every day. 

Tamala has ten liked gifts, and two loved gifts that have been found.

Here is a list of Tamala’s liked gifts:

AppleApples are crops in Palia. Apple trees take 3×3 squares.
They need 9 units of fertilizer and have a 12-day harvest time.
Chapaa FurChapaa Fur is occasionally dropped by Chapaa.
They can be found all day, and they have no time limitation.
Spotted Chapaa TailSpotted Chapaa Tail is occasionally dropped by Chapaa.
They can be found all day, and they have no time limitation.
Copper OreCopper Ore is a crafting material in Palia.
Copper Ore can be Mined from nodes that spawn near or on top of cliff walls throughout Kilima Valley.
Copper BarThe Copper Bar is a crafting material in Palia.
Copper Bars can be purchased from the Blacksmith in Kilima Village for 80 Gold.
The recipe for Copper Bars can be purchased from Hodari’s Mining Guild Store upon reaching Mining level 2 for 50 Gold, and it needs 5 Copper Ore.
Iron OreIron Ore is a crafting material in Palia.
Iron Ore can be Mined from nodes that spawn near or on top of cliff walls throughout Bahari Bay, as well as inside Pavel Mines.
FabricFabric is a craftable item, made from the Fabric Loom.
It requires one cotton and has a crafting time of 8 minutes.
Sernuk AntlersSernuk Antlers is occasionally dropped by Sernuk.
They can be found all day, and they have no time limitation.
Sernuk HideSernuk Hide is occasionally dropped by Sernuk.
They can be found all day, and they have no time limitation.
Elder Sernuk AntlersElder Sernuk Antlers is occasionally dropped by Elder Sernuk.
They can be found all day, and they have no time limitation.

Here is a list of Tamala’s loved gifts:

Green PearlGreen Pearl is an epic Gatherable item in Palia.
There is a 3% chance to receive from Unopened Oyster
You are awarded three after completing Quest: The Path Less Traveled
Radiant Sunfish The Radiant Sunfish is a Rare fish in Palia that can be caught in rivers in Kilima Village using worms.
It has a 5% catch rate.

Final Thoughts

Romanceable characters are a staple in life simulator games, and knowing what gifts are the best to give them will make the process easier, and more fun.

If you want to know more about how to catch the more elusive fish of the game, check out our guide on how to catch the Giant Goldfish in Palia.

With the best gifts for Tamala explored in Palia do you feel ready to raise that friendship? Let us know in the comments down below if you are planning to keep her as your friend or if you are planning to capture her heart.


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