One-armed Robber: Museum Stealth Guide

If you’re trying to complete the Pegasus Museum of Art in stealth in One-armed Robber, this guide will go through everything you must know.

For this heist, you must find the utility keycard, turn off the alarm in the basement, and take down the guard in the security room. With these done, you’ll be able to loot the exhibit gallery quickly and get over a $110,000 payout.

How to Complete Museum Stealth in One-armed Robber

One-armed Robber Museum stealth guide - where to find the utility keycard.

Let’s go through in detail how to complete the Art Museum heist in stealth in One-armed Robber.

Preparation & Start of Heist – Utility Key

Before heading into the Museum, make sure you have a Lockpick. It’s necessary to complete this heist in stealth. With the lockpick equipped, start the heist and head to the front door of the Museum.

Pick the lock on the front left door, head it, and go to the first door on your left while being careful not to get spotted by the guard on your right. Picklock the door, and be cautious of another guard. Wait until the guard turns around and follow him.

Your goal is to open the door on the far left of the hallway and get in that room. Pick up the Utility Room Keycard and go back the way you came. Leave the Museum through the front door and head to its backside.

Utility Room & Disable Alarm

One-armed Robber Museum stealth guide - where to find the utility room.

Head to the back right side of the Museum, and you’ll see two single white doors with stairs leading to them. Pick the lock on the left door (closest to the entrance), wait for the guard to pass by, follow him to the hallway, and then pick the lock on the first door on your right.

Go down the stairs with the Utility Keycard. Avoid the camera on your left and use the keycard to open the room before you. Interact with the power switch to turn off the alarm.

Security Room

Head back outside and pick the lock on the second back entrance door. Once you enter, be careful of the camera right above you. Now, you must pick the lock of the security door that’s right in front of you while avoiding the camera and the guard.

The best tip here is to move once the camera looks away, pick the lock fast, and hide behind the boxes next to the door. Take down the guard there to turn off the cameras. Head upstairs, unlock the door, and take down the guard there (check-in is below the stairs).


One-armed Robber Museum stealth guide.

Now, you’re above the exhibit. Jump down, but be careful of the patrolling guard outside the door. Steal all the artwork, picklock the cell door, and open the first door on your left. This will lead you back to the security room area, and you can transfer all the loot to your van.

The same goes for the other exhibit where the guard is patrolling. You don’t have to kill him; just wait and pick up loot as he moves around. Also, since the alarm is disabled, you can shoot all exhibit cases with a silenced pistol.

With everything, you can expect a payout reward of around $110,000.

Wrapping up

To summarize this Museum stealth guide in One-armed Robber, start heist with a lockpick and find the utility keycard first. Head to the basement, disable the alarm, and take down the guard in the security room.

With everything done, you’ll be able to loot the exhibit gallery quickly as long as you don’t get spotted by the final guard patrolling there.

Did you manage to complete this on your first try? Do you have any other tips to share? Feel free to comment your thoughts below!

For an easier heist, here’s how to complete the Jewelry Store heist in stealth in One-armed Robber. Alternatively, if you want to go loud, here are the best weapons in the game.


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