One-armed Robber: Jewelry Store Stealth Guide

This Jewelry Store stealth guide in One-armed Robber will go through what you must know to complete this heist without triggering alarms.

To complete this heist with stealth, you will need to take down a few guards, including the one on the cameras, find the vault keycard in the manager’s office, take down the power, and use the keycard and your picklock to open the vault. If done right, you can expect about $80,000 as a reward.

Let’s go through every part of the heist in turn.

How to Complete Jewelry Store Stealth in One-armed Robber

Completing the Jewelry Store heist in One-armed Robber in stealth is fairly straightforward. Let’s go through all the steps in turn.

Preparation & Start of Heist

Jewelry Store heist stealth guide in One-armed Robber.

Before heading in, make sure you have a suppressor on your pistol and a Lockpick. Also, you must complete the stealth tutorial.

With these ready, enter from the back of the store, and wait until the guard turns around to pass by him. Use your lockpick to open the door, shoot the camera next to you, and take down the guard who comes to investigate. Don’t forget to answer his pager.

Head to the door next to the guard’s desk and head straight. Shoot the camera, tie the civilian, and take down the guard that will come to you.

Upper Floor

Jewelry Store heist stealth guide in One-armed Robber.

Head upstairs, use your picklock to open the door, open the next door on the right side, and pick up the green keycard from the table.

Go back down to the room where you tied the civilian, use the keycard to access the utility room at the back, and disable the Jewelry Store alarm.

Jewelry Store heist stealth guide in One-armed Robber.

Go back up, head left through the door, and take down the guard. This is the security room, and you must kill the camera guard there too.

Head through the door in front of you, tie the manager, and pick up the blue keycard from the desk. Also, there’s a pile of cash on the manager’s desk that you can loot with your duffle bag.


Jewelry Store heist stealth guide in One-armed Robber.

Now, head to the vault, access it with the keycard, and then use your picklock. Also, avoid using your drill since it will trigger the alarm.

Bring three bags to take everything, including the jewelry on the desk. Also, for some extra cash, pick up the golden watch on the desk near the back alley door.

Wrapping up

To summarize this Jewelry Store stealth guide in One-armed Robber, you can rob this store without triggering any alarms as long as you follow every step mentioned above.

All you need is a silencer and a lockpick. After mastering every step of the process, you’ll be able to farm this map easily.

What do you think about this heist? Do you prefer stealth or going loud? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

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