One-armed Robber: Esco Bar Stealth Guide

In this Esco Bar stealth guide for One-armed Robber, we’ll explain everything you must know on how to loot everything without being noticed.

Thankfully, this is one of the easier heists, as you can find the security and utility rooms immediately after entering the building. With a picklock and a hacking device, you can complete it within 6-7 minutes and earn up to $200,000.

Esco Bar Stealth Guide in One-Armed Robber

Esco Bar stealth guide in One-Armed Robber.

Let’s go through in detail how to complete the Esco Bar heist in stealth in One-armed Robber.

Preparation & Start of Heist

Before starting the heist, ensure you have a lockpick and a hacking device. Any lockpick will do, but the advanced one will make everything easier.

Once you’re at the bar, go around the building from the left side and head down the outside basement stairs. Use your hacking device to unlock it. Now, you can tosh your hacking device completely and only carry your bag and lockpick.

Security Room

Esco Bar stealth guide in One-Armed Robber.

Once inside, take down the guard on your left, answer the radio, and shoot the camera in the main room. Follow the path around the room, and you’ll see another guard.

You can crouch right in front of him, and he won’t notice you. Picklock the door next to him, kill the guard there, and now you don’t have to worry about security cameras.

Utility Room – Alarm

Esco Bar stealth guide in One-Armed Robber.

Head up the stairs, kill the civilian there, and go through the door. Turn left and picklock the first door on your right. Head inside and picklock the first door on your right. Turn off the alarm there.

Vault Key & Vault Loot

Esco Bar stealth guide in One-Armed Robber.

Head back to the upper area where you killed the civilian. Pick up the blue keycard from the desk and place it in your bag.

Go downstairs, crouch past the guard again, and picklock the first door you’ll find. Use the blue keycard to access the vault there, shoot the civilian, and start looting all the packages.

Keep in mind that there’s some loot outside the vault too, on the tables left and right. To escape, once you leave the vault room, turn left, head up, crouch past the guard, and you’ll spot the van on your left.

Since you can’t fit everything in one bag, you’ll need to make multiple runs. Ideally, for this run, you want 2-3 players to make everything faster.

Wrapping up

To summarize this Esco Bar stealth guide in One-armed Robber, this heist is a great and easy way to make money. Especially if you have 1-2 friends to help carry loot, you can make a lot of money quickly.

However, even if you’re solo, this is one of the easier heists since you don’t need to kill many guards and take many risks.

Do you prefer stealth or loud heists overall? Which lockpick are you currently using? Feel free to share your loadouts in the comments below.

For a more challenging heist, here’s our Orbital Bank stealth guide in One-armed Robber. Alternatively, if you want to go loud, here’s our list of the best weapons in the game.


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