My Time at Sandrock: Best Weapons in the Game (Ranged and Melee)

Are you looking for a list of the best weapons in My Time at Sandrock? Here are the best melee and ranged weapons in MTaS.

There are various weapon types available in the game and it’s mostly a matter of preference. However, some weapons manage to stand out due to better stats overall.

Specifically, the best melee weapon in MTaS is the Dagger, while the bestranged weapon is the Hand of Light. Let’s go through what makes them so special.

Before moving on, if you want to automate most processes in your workshop, check out our Rosy the Magic Mirror guide in My Time at Sandrock.

Best Ranged Weapons in My Time at Sandrock

Best ranged weapons in My Time at Sandrock.

There are four ranged weapons in MTaS and all of them can be useful, depending on the stage of the game you’re in. Let’s go through all of them, starting from the weakest one to find the best ranged weapon in My Time at Sandrock.

4. Vintage Pistol

The Vintage Pistol is a solid ranged weapon for the early game since you unlock it way before anything else. It has solid damage and will help you take down some harder early-game enemies.

3. Vintage Assault Rifle

The Vintage Assault Rifle is a substantial upgrade over the Vintage Pistol as it deals almost double the damage and has a higher rate of fire.

Especially after refining it, this could be your weapon all the way until the end game.

2. Howlett’s Shotgun

If you prefer dealing higher damage from up close, your best bet is the Howlett’s Shotgun. It has the highest damage of all weapons in MTaS and it’s a must-try if you’re a fan of close-quarters combat.

Keep in mind that the only way to get the shotgun is by completing the mission ‘Sandrock Strikes Back’.

1. Hand of the Light

Hand of the Light is the best-ranged weapon in My Time at Sandrock while also being a great melee weapon. It has infinite ammo and fires a large laser beam with up to 30m range.

It deals significant ranged and melee damage and can hit enemies from afar. Additionally, this weapon can’t be refined and the only way to get it is during the ‘Sandrock Strikes Back’ main quest.

Best Melee Weapons in My Time at Sandrock

Best melee weapons in My Time at Sandrock.

Each weapon type has various tiers, so it’s important to craft the highest tier available. Of course, a higher-tier Spear will outperform a low-tier pair of Daggers. For this list, we assume that all weapons are of the same tier and we rank them based on overall stats.

4. Spear

The Spear is a decent option that combines long reach, and high damage. It has solid damage overall and can attack fast. However, it’s not ideal for hitting multiple enemies.

3. Sword and Shield

The Sword and Shield is a solid all-around option that combines damage, speed, and defense. It’s an ideal choice for beginners since you can use the block feature until you memorize each enemy’s attack patterns.

2. Greatsword

The Greatsword is a great weapon if you fancy slow, hard-hitting attacks. It’s great for AoE damage as well. Once you max it out, it will have enough attack speed to make it one of the best weapons in MTaS.

1. Daggers

Daggers are an amazing early and late-game weapon and thus the best melee weapon in My Time at Sandrock. They are fast and deal solid damage. Once you max them out, they’ll be ideal for taking down both weaker and tougher enemies.

As the fastest weapon in the game and with increased Critical Damage, they are your best option.

The Best Weapon Overall in MTaS

Best weapon in My Time at Sandrock.

While there are many great options in terms of weapons, the one that manages to stand out as the best weapon in My Time at Sandrock is the Dagger.

This weapon has everything you’ll need: high damage, attack speed, and critical chance. With enough mobility, you’ll be dashing around and killing enemies and mobs easily.

Wrapping up

To summarize, the melee weapon and overall weapon in My Time at Sandrock is the Dagger while the best ranged weapon is the Hand of the Light.

The former offers great damage, attack speed, and critical strike, while the latter combines damage, range, and versatility since it can be used as a melee option too.

What’s your favorite weapon overall? Feel free to share it with us in the comments below.

For more similar content, consider also checking out our My Time at Sandrock romance guide.


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