Minecraft: Pottery Sherds – Guide to Decorated Pots

Decorated Pots are a new addition in the 1.20 Trails & Tales update that are used to decorate your house in unique ways.

To get Pottery Sherds in Minecraft, you’ll need to use the Brush and find them in certain locations after brushing suspicious sand and gravel blocks.

In this Minecraft guide to Decorated Pots, I will showcase how to find Pottery Sherds, how to craft and break Decorated Pots, and provide some building tips to make your house stand out with these new items.

For a different collectible guide, check out our article on how to find and use Armor Trims.

How to Craft Decorated Pots in Minecraft

Craft Decorated Pots in Minecraft with Bricks and Pottery Sherds.

To craft a Decorated Pot in Minecraft, players have three options based on the materials they have available and the design they want:

  • 4x Bricks (top, right, left, and bottom slot of a crafting table) – This will have no design on the pot.
  • 4x Pottery Sherds (top, right, left, and bottom slot of a crafting table) – Unique design based on the Pottery Sherds used.
  • Any combination of Bricks and Pottery Sherds (same recipe, up to four items used) – No design on the sides that have bricks, unique design on the sides that have Pottery Sherds.

If you want the fancier designs, you’ll need to find Pottery Sherds.

How to Find Pottery Sherds in Minecraft

Find Pottery Sherds in Minecraft by brushing suspicious sand and gravel.

To find Pottery Sherds in Minecraft, craft a Brush and get ready to go exploring. You’ll need to find various world monuments and dig there until you find suspicious sand or gravel.

Specifically, there are 20 Pottery Sherd designs available, and here’s how to get each of them:

Pottery SherdLocationDrop Chance
1. AnglerWarm Ocean Ruins6.7%
2. ArcherDesert Temple12.5%
3. Arms UpDesert Well25%
4. BladeCold Ocean Ruins6.7%
5. BrewerDesert Well25%
6. BurnTrail Ruins8.3%
7. DangerTrail Ruins8.3%
8. ExplorerCold Ocean Ruins6.7%
9. FriendTrail Ruins8.3%
10. HeartTrail Ruins8.3%
11. HeartbreakTrail Ruins8.3%
12.HowlTrail Ruins8.3%
13. MinerDesert Temple12.5%
14. MournerCold Ocean Ruins6.7%
15. PlentyCold Ocean Ruins6.7%
16. Prize12. Howl12.5%
17. SheafTrail Ruins8.3%
18. ShelterWarm Ocean Ruins6.7%
19. SkullDesert Temple12.5%
20. SnortWarm Ocean Ruins6.7%

The difference between the two Ocean Ruins is the block you’ll need to brush. Cold Ocean Ruins are located in the deeper parts of the sea and you’ll need to brush gravel while Warm Ocean Ruins are usually in shallow waters and you’ll need to brush sand.

While these locations are for the Minecraft Java Edition, they are the exact same in Bedrock. The only difference is that there are slightly different drop chances in the Bedrock Edition.

Decorated Pots Best Building Tips

Best decorative pot building tips in Minecraft.

Now that you’ve collected enough Pottery Sherds and crafted your Decorated Pots, here are some building tips on how to use them:

  • Stack them on each other – They can be stacked infinitely to create large totem poles.
  • Place random blocks on top of the Pots – Not only square blocks, but try using fences, chains, or iron bars for some unique designs.
  • Place a Flower Pot on top of them and a Flower in the Flower Pot – extra points if you use the new flowers that can be dug up by the Sniffer mob.
  • Avoid using Fences/Gates/Walls next to them – Decorated Pots won’t connect with these blocks from the side.

Overall, the possibilities here are limitless with the blocks you can use. Feel free to experiment and don’t forget to share your favorite designs in the comments below!

How to Break a Decorated Pot

To break a decorative pot in Minecraft, use a silk touch tool or your hands to get it back.

If you break a Decorated Pot with a normal tool, you will get bricks/Pottery Sherds back, not the pot itself. You will always get the exact materials you used to craft it.

To get the Pot back, use a tool with the Silk Touch enchantment or your hands/any random block. This is weird, but as long as you don’t use a tool without Silk Touch, you will get the entire pot back. Even if you use your hands, you’ll get the pot back.

Wrapping up

To sum up this Minecraft guide to Decorated Pots, you can collect Pottery Sherds via Archaeology and use them in combination with bricks to craft Decorated Pots.

These are purely decorative items but can be used in various ways based on the blocks you choose to place above or on their side.

How do you plan on using decorated pots? What’s your favorite Pottery Sherd design? Feel free to share your creative ideas in the comments below.

If you want to take a look into the new animals introduced in Traits & Tales, check out our guide on how to find and tame Camels.


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