Lords of the Fallen: Upgrade Materials and How to Find Them

Are you trying to find upgrade materials in Lords of the Fallen to upgrade your weapons and armor? Here’s what you need to know.

To upgrade your gear, you must free Gerline the Blacksmith first and then bring her Deralium in Skyrest Bridge.

In this guide, I will explain how to find and free Gerlinde, how to upgrade your gear, and how to get upgrade materials in Lord of the Fallen.

How to Find & Free Gerlinde the Blacksmith in Lords of the Fallen

How to get upgrade materials and free Gerlinde in Lords of the Fallen.

The first step to upgrading your gear is locating and freeing the Blacksmith. To do that, head to the Vestige of Blind Agatha. Enter the small cave while hugging the left wall. Keep following the main path, reach the open area, and jump through the flying platforms.

Follow the narrow path and use the ladder at the end of it to go down. Shift to Umbral Stance and go down the second ladder.

Since you’re there, make sure to also Soul Flay the corpse in the middle to get the Bowl of Revelations, which allows you to buy Boss Remembrances from Molhu.

On the other side of this area, find the ladder that goes up and leads to another ladder. Climb all the way up and then head instantly right, through the narrow path. After crossing the path, drop down on the right and head down the 2 ladders.

In this area, you’ll need to Soul Flay three different corpses to unlock the cave entrance. The first one is just one floor below and once you use Soul Flay, you’ll see an aura that leads you to the location of the second one.

How to get upgrade materials and free Gerlinde in Lords of the Fallen.

The second one is on the starting platform, above the cave door, while the third one is on the left of the cave entrance. Head in the cave, go down the ladder, turn right, and go down again. Activate the lift on your right as it’s a shortcut to the Vestige.

Take the ladder on the right just before the lift and defeat the enemies there. One of the enemies will drop the Prison Cell Key. Now, talk to Gerlinde who is in a cage behind you, and exhaust her dialogue options until you can give her the key.

Lastly, head back to Skyrest Bridge and you’ll find the Blacksmith there. Talk to her to upgrade your weapons and equipment in Lords of the Fallen.

How to Upgrade Weapons & Equipment

How to get upgrade materials and free Gerlinde in Lords of the Fallen.

With the Blacksmith freed, head to Skyrest Bridge and you’ll find that she has set up shop.

Exhaust all her dialogue options until you get the ‘Upgrade Equipment’ option. Then, you’ll be able to upgrade your weapons and equipment in Lords of the Fallen by using Vigor and Deralium. Specifically, upgrades will always need Vigor and a different type of Deralium, based on the upgrade level.

  • Up to +2 = Vigor + Small Deralium Fragment
  • Up to +5 = Vigor + Regular Deralium Nuggets
  • Up to +9 = Vigor + Large Deralium Shards
  • Up to +10 = Vigor + Deralium Chunk

If you don’t have enough Vigor, check out our best XP and Vigor farming guide in Lords of the Fallen.

But where do you find these Deralium upgrade materials?

How to Get Upgrade Materials in Lords of the Fallen

How to get upgrade materials and free Gerlinde in Lords of the Fallen.

The best location for Small and Regular Deralium is the Vestige of the Forsaken Fen. Shift to the Umbral State and defeat any Shuja Warriors for Small Fragments and Knights for Normal Nuggets.

Large Deralium Shards are dropped by Holy Bulwark enemies, which can be found primarily in the Forsaken Den and the Manse of the Halloweed Brothers.

The Deralium Chunk is the hardest one to find. The best location to find it is near the Vestige of Loash. Defeat the Hollow Crow’s Boss and take the ladder heading down. Reach the next tower and head up to find a beacon that has a chest next to it. This chest will include all four types of Deralium, including the Chunk you’re looking for.

Wrapping up

To summarize, you can free Gerlinde the Blacksmith by finding her in a secret cave near the Vestige of Blind Agatha.

Once freed, she will move to Skyrest Bridge and you can visit her there to upgrade your weapons and armor in exchange for Vigor and Deralium.

Which weapon and armor are you trying to upgrade? What do you think of the upgrade system overall? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Before leaving, don’t forget to also check out our guide on the best strength build in Lords of the Fallen, as well as the best Dark Crusader build.


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