How to Dye Wool in Minecraft [Full Guide]

Wool is used in building and crafting in Minecraft and is one of the most creative blocks.

The best part is that players can dye wool in Minecraft in various colors to allow for some very creative recipes.

Also, if you’re trying to find everything in your Minecraft world including sheep, consider checking out our guide on how to see your world seed.

In this guide, I will show you how to dye wool in Minecraft, how to breed sheep, and mention all dyes in the game.

How to Dye Wool

Dying yellow wool in Minecraft on a crafting table.

Dying wool in Minecraft is straightforward. Players need to combine 1 wool and 1 dye of their choice in their crafting inventory to turn that wool into their preferred color.

Also, instead of dying the wool each time, players can also dye sheep directly. This is done by placing your dye of choice in your hotbar, holding it, and then interacting with any sheep.

This way, the sheep will turn into the color of your choosing and will yield wool of the same color whenever you shave it.

Using shears to shave a sheep in Minecraft.

Simply craft shears and use them to shave off the wool from the sheep.

All Dyes in Minecraft

Fortunately for players, Minecraft includes a total of 16 dyes, which allows for great variety.

Each of them is crafted by placing a single ingredient in the crafting inventory or by combining other dyes.

Keep in mind that some dyes have alternative crafting options and players can choose either of the items.

Here’s every dye in Minecraft and how to craft it:

  • Blue Dye – Lapis Lazuli/Cornflower
  • White Dye – Bone Meal/Lily of the Valley
  • Light Gray Dye – Azure Bluet/Oxeye Daisy/White Tulip/White & Gray Dye
  • Gray Dye – Black Dye/Ink Sac & Bone Meal/White Dye
  • Black Dye – Ink Sac/Wither Rose
  • Brown Dye – Cocoa Bean
  • Red Dye – Poppy/Rose Bush/Red Tulip/Beetroot
  • Orange Dye – Orange Tulip/Red Dye & Yellow Dye
  • Yellow Dye – Dandelion/Sunflower
  • Lime Dye – Smelt Sea Pickles/Green Dye & White Dye
  • Green Dye – Smelt Cactus
  • Cyan Dye – Green Dye and Blue Dye/Lapis Lazuli
  • Light Blue Dye – Blue Dye/Lapis Lazuli & Bone Meal/White Dye
  • Purple Dye – Red Dye & Blue Dye/Lapis Lazuli
  • Magenta Dye – Lilac/Allium/Purple Dye & Pink Dye
  • Pink Dye – Peony/Tulip/Red Dye & White Dye

And those are all the 16 dyes in Minecraft. There is a wide variety enough to fuel all your creative ideas.

How to Breed Sheep

Breeding sheep in a pen in Minecraft.

The best and most consistent way to farm wool is by breeding sheep and having your own sheep farm.

Perhaps you can even have each sheep colored in a different dye, to ensure you’ll always have the wool color you need.

Breeding sheep requires farming wheat first. Wheat is farmed by planting the seeds you get when breaking grass.

After that, hold the wheat in your hand and the sheep will follow you. Lead them to your place of choice and give them wheat.

Giving two different sheep wheat will result in them breeding and having a baby.

And that’s all. Now you’re ready to create your sheep empire and start producing wool of any color.


By now, you should know how to dye wool in Minecraft. It is done either by combining the wool with the dye in the crafting inventory or by coloring the sheep before shearing it.

Check out the full list of dyes and choose the color that fits with your creative designs.

To ensure you never run out of wool, breeding sheep will allow you to have an infinite supply.

Also, if you’re interested in breeding something more exotic than sheep, consider checking out our guide on how to breed tropical fish in Minecraft.


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