Hogwarts Legacy: How to Unlock Arithmancy Puzzle Doors

Arithmancy puzzle doors can be found all over Hogwarts. They take only a few minutes to solve and offer solid rewards.

To unlock them, players will need to match the numbers with the corresponding symbols.

Also, before exploring more of Hogwarts’ puzzles, consider checking out our guide on how to change clothing appearance.

In this guide, I will explain how to solve and unlock arithmancy puzzle doors in Hogwarts Legacy by showcasing how to match numbers with symbols.

How to Open Arithmancy Puzzle Doors in Hogwarts Legacy

While it may seem complicated at first, the puzzles are straightforward once you understand how they work.

Each door will have two triangles in the middle, and each of them will have one number in the center and three numbers/symbols on its edges.

The symbols on the edges correspond to a specific number based on the image below.

Match the symbols with their numbers to solve this puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy.
Match the symbols with their numbers to solve this puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy.

Your goal is to combine the numbers/symbols on the edges to that their sum matches the number on the center.

For the door above, here’s the solution:

  1. Starting with the upper triangle, we need the edges to have a sum of 21, as indicated by the number in the center.
  2. We have 11 on the left edge and the symbol on the top edge is number 2.
  3. With 13 total, we are missing 9 more to reach 21, which means we need to find the symbol equal to the number 9.
  4. For this triangle, we need the last symbol, which is the number 9.
  5. Find the question mark near the door and set it to the number 9 symbol.
  6. For the lower triangle, we need the sum of 17.
  7. The left edge is the symbol equal to the number 5, while the bottom edge is the symbol equal to the number 9.
  8. With 14 total, we are missing 3 to reach the sum of 17, which means we need symbol number 3 on the second question mark spot.
  9. After setting both question marks to the right symbols, interact with the center of the door.

If you can’t find the question mark symbols near the door for any reason, use Revelio (left arrow) and you’ll be able to see them even through walls.

And that’s all. Interact with the door and if you set the symbols right, it will unlock and let you access the room behind it and any rewards available. But what kind of rewards should you expect?

Arithmancy Puzzle Door Rewards

Behind these doors, you'll find chests with various gear as a reward.
Behind these doors, you’ll find chests with various gear as a reward.

Depending on the door, it will have one or two chests behind it in a small room.

These contain various rewards, usually ranging from basic gear and equipment to standard gold coins.

While it’s not something extremely valuable, solving these doors will take only a minute once you understand the pattern.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, to solve the arithmancy puzzle doors in Hogwarts Legacy, players will need to locate the question mark symbols next to the doors and set them to the symbol that makes the sum of the numbers on the edges of the triangle to match the number in the center.

Also, you may end up getting unidentified gear as a reward for these puzzles. Consider checking out our guide on how to unlock the Room of Requirements to identify these gear pieces.

How many of these puzzles have you found? Has any of them given you any good rewards? Let us know in the comments below.


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