Hogwarts Legacy: How to Open Chests in Room of Requirement

While trying to unlock the Room of Requirements, players will have to explore the Room of Hidden Things, which has two hidden chests inside that can easily be missed.

To get the first chest, players will need to use Accio on the nearby wooden box. As for the second chest, players will need to utilize a combination of Accio and Levioso.

If you haven’t reached this part of the main story yet, consider checking out our guide on how to unlock the Room of Requirement.

In this guide, I will explain how to reach and open the two chests within the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts Legacy.

How to Open the First Chest in the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts Legacy

The first chest can be found right after using Evanesco on the first pile of chairs. Use Accio on the box in front of you to pull it out just slightly.

How to open the first chest in the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts Legacy.
Use Accio on the box and jump on top of it to access the first chest.

Then, jump on top of the box and jump again to reach the upper part where the chest is.

How to Open the Second Chest in the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts Legacy

The second golden snitch chest is trickier to get. After using Evanesco on another set of chairs, you’ll find another wooden box that can be moved with Accio.

How to open the first chest in the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts Legacy.
Use Accio on the box to start the puzzle.

Here’s what you’ll need to do exactly.

  1. Use Accio on the box in front of you to open the path.
  2. Move through the now open path and check through the planks on your left to spot a second box.
  3. Use Accio on the second box to pull it as close to the planks as possible.
  4. Go back to the starting location shown in the picture above and check on the left side of the passage to spot a third box with the chest on top.
  5. Use Accio on the third chest to pull it in the same line as the second box.
  6. Use Levioso on the third chest.
  7. Head back inside the passage in Step 2 and use Accio on the third box that is now floating due to Levioso. This will place it on top of the second box.
  8. Use Levioso on the second box to stack it together with the third box.
  9. From the same spot (inside the passage), use Accio on the first box to pull it right next to the planks.
  10. Use Levioso on the first box and climb on top of it.
  11. From there, you are able to open the chest.

If you’ve missed any steps, consider checking out this video guide on how to do it exactly.

Video by Stone Edge Gaming on YouTube.

With this, you’ve unlocked the hardest chest in the Room of Requirement.

Wrapping up

To summarize, now you know how to open the chests in the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts Legacy.

Utilize Accio and Levioso and move around the boxes there to find and open the hidden chests.

If you’re enjoying Hogwarts Legacy so far, consider checking out our guide on how to level up quickly and reach the max level.

What do you think about the Room of Requirement puzzles? Do you try to get every chest in the game? Let us know in the comments below.


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