High On Life: How to Beat 9 Torg

9-Torg is one of the first bosses in High on Life and its purpose is to test players’ basic skills in terms of jumping, dodging, and even deflecting projectiles.

The fight is fairly straightforward without many patterns to remember but it can get tricky as players haven’t had much time to practice using their weapons and abilities.

In this guide, I will explain how to find and beat 9 Torg in High on Life by mentioning all of her moves and showcasing how to counter them.

How to Get to 9 Torg in High on Life

To get to 9 Torg, players will need to travel to the Slums location and follow the main quest until the part where it says “Find 9-Torg’s Base”.

Follow the main story marker and use Kenny’s Glob Shot (Q) to lower the bridges.

Use Kenny to lower the bridges in High on Life.
Use Kenny to lower the bridges in High on Life.

Then, move towards the middle of the lake by jumping on the platforms, and defeat the enemies there.

Lastly, move towards the final building, which is where the boss is located.

Enter this building to fight 9-Torg in High on Life.
Enter this building to fight 9-Torg in High on Life.

Now you can jump right in and fight 9-Torg. If you want to be prepared, keep reading to learn everything about the boss’ attack patterns.

9-Torg Main Attacks in High on Life

This boss doesn’t have many attack patterns and memorizing them is the key to defeating 9-Torg.

Shooting Small Pink Lasers

9-Torg using pink lasers attack in High on Life.
9-Torg using pink lasers attack in High on Life.

During the whole fight, the main attacks used by 9-Torg will be small pink lasers shot from her gun. These don’t deal much damage and can be easily dodged either by avoiding them or by hiding behind boxes.

Big Green Laser

9-Torg using green laser attack in High on Life.
9-Torg using green laser attack in High on Life.

Occasionally, the boss will jump back and do a huge AoE attack with a green laser. To avoid this, players will need to jump at the right time.

For this mechanic, practice makes perfect so don’t get upset if you get hit a few times. Also, it’s not punishing since it doesn’t do much damage.

Floor is Lava

9-Torg using ooze attack in High on Life.
9-Torg using ooze attack in High on Life.

9-Torg jumps in the green ooze and makes the arena floor disappear. Players will have to stay in the air by jumping around constantly for the next few seconds.

Falling into the ooze isn’t an instadeath, so even if you miss a jump, there’s time to recover.

Charged Attack

9-Torg using charged attack in High on Life.
9-Torg using charged attack in High on Life.

Occasionally, the boss will charge its weapon and shoot a green slow-moving ball. While it can be dodged easily, I highly recommend equipping Knifey, one of the best weapons in the game, and trying to deflect it.

This will do a significant amount of damage at 9-Torg and it can make the fight significantly easier.

Another useful tip is to use Kenny’s ability, which will temporarily knock down the boss and give you a chance to deal solid damage.

Wrapping up

To sum up, that’s everything you need to know on how to defeat the 9-Torg boss in High on Life, as well as how to find it.

Finding the boss is fairly straightforward as long as you follow the main quest markers. As for defeating it, focus on memorizing the attack patterns and you’ll have no issue.

As you’re moving to the next areas, you will end up visiting Skrendel Labs. If you face any bugs or errors there with the boss or can’t find your way around, consider checking out our relevant guide.

What did you think of the 9-Torg boss fight? Is it a good introductory fight for High on Life? Let us know in the comments below.


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